Hai Duong Weather Forecast

New heatwave likely to cover Hai Duong for 10 days

NM 17/06/2024 12:30

Hai Duong province is forecast to experience the longest heatwave as from the beginning of this summer.

Những ngày tới, khu vực Hải Dương sẽ tiếp tục nắng nóng diện rộng nhưng chiều tối và đêm một số ngày khả năng có mưa rào và dông
Intense heat will continue on a large scale in Hai Duong province in the coming days

Large-scale intense heat will cover Hai Duong province from June 17 due to the influence of a western hot depression, with temperature reaching 35 – 37 degrees Celsius and humidity dropping to 55 – 60%, forecast the provincial Hydrometeorological Station.

This heat-wave is likely to last for the next 10 days.

However, there will be showers and thunderstorms in the evening on some days. Whirlwinds, lightning, and strong winds may occur during thundershowers.

From June 22 – 25 alone, it is predicted to be cloudy with scattered rain and thunderstorms at night and in the morning and baking sun during the day due to the impact of subtropical high pressure.


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New heatwave likely to cover Hai Duong for 10 days