
Hai Duong to announce provincial planning

DUNG CUONG 19/12/2023 16:23

Hai Duong province will announce its planning for the upcoming period to attract investors and promote cooperation.

Standing Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Luu Van Ban presides over the meeting

Hai Duong authorities held a meeting on December 18 to discuss the organization of a ceremony to announce the provincial planning for the 2021 – 2030 period with a vision to 2050.

The ceremony is expected to take place in late December.

This will be an opportunity for Hai Duong to introduce its development orientation, potential, and prospects to invite investors and promote cooperation with other localities, domestic and international organizations and individuals.

Director of the Department of Construction Nguyen Van Doan contributes ideas at the meeting

The province will also announce lists of projects subject to investment attraction, zero investment, or limited investment in 2024 and 2025 till 2030; grant investment certificates to a number of large investors; etc. at the ceremony.

This is an important political event; thus, it must be organized solemnly, practically, effectively, and economically, said Standing Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Luu Van Ban at the meeting.

A leader of the provincial Party Committee's Popularization and Education Board comments on the propaganda of the announcement ceremony

He required thoughtful and methodical preparation for the ceremony to effectively convey planning information, especially major development policies and directions, to attract domestic and international investment.

The standing vice chairman assigned specific tasks to each agency and unit concerned to ensure a successful ceremony and make an impression on guests.


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Hai Duong to announce provincial planning