
Work starts on Japanese International School in Hai Duong

HA KIEN 24/09/2024 16:19

Hai Duong Japanese International School will contribute to meeting Hai Duong province's need for an international-class school with the aim of providing high-quality educational services and human resources for society.

Các đại biểu thực hiện nghi thức động thổ khởi công xây dựng Trường Quốc tế Nhật Bản Hải Dương
Groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of Hai Duong Japanese International School

A groundbreaking ceremony for Hai Duong Japanese International School (JIS-HD) took place in EcoRivers urban area, Hai Duong city on September 22. This is the first international standard school in Hai Duong province.

JIS-HD will be built on an area of more than 2 ha with a budget of more than 164 billion VND.

The school will be divided into primary, secondary, and high school blocks, designed and decorated according to age characteristics with more than 100 classrooms and functional rooms, including laboratories and rooms for cooking, school psychology, career counseling, computing, etc.

Các phòng học, phòng thí nghiệm, phòng chức năng được bố trí phù hợp, bảo đảm yêu cầu dạy và học tại Trường Quốc tế Nhật Bản (ảnh cắt từ clip giới thiệu về trường)
Classrooms and functional rooms of the school are appropriately arranged, ensuring requirements for teaching and learning

Students of the school will start learning computer science from grade 1.

The school's curriculum is optimally designed, helping students absorb knowledge well and master English, Vietnamese, and Japanese languages without having to study extra hours.

In addition to knowledge, the school attaches special importance to physical training and soft skill improvement through many subjects such as piano, flute, drawing, sports, etc. for comprehensive development.

Bên cạnh việc nâng cao kiến thức, nhà trường đặc biệt chú trọng rèn luyện thể chất và kỹ năng mềm cho học sinh (ảnh cắt từ clip giới thiệu về trường)
In addition to knowledge, the school attaches special importance to physical training and soft skill improvement for students

Upon completion, JIS-HD will meet the learning needs of about 2,000 students. The school is expected to officially come into operation in August 2025 with the enrollment of 1st – 6th and 10th graders.

JIS-HD will contribute to meeting the province's need for an international-class school with the aim of providing high-quality educational services and human resources for society and preparing adequate conditions for students to study at prestigious universities in other countries around the world after graduation from high school.


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Work starts on Japanese International School in Hai Duong