Utilizing domestic market for lychee consumption

24/05/2022 16:25

The People's Committee of Thanh Ha district and local lychee growers have proactively taken measures for lychee consumption.

This year, many agencies, units, and individuals have ordered Thanh Ha thieu lychees as gifts

In the face of difficult customs clearance at border gates to China, the People's Committee of Thanh Ha district and local lychee growers have proactively taken measures for lychee consumption with special importance attached to maximizing the exploitation of the domestic market.

To avoid the dependence of lychees on the Chinese market, in recent years, Thanh Ha authorities have actively propagandized and promoted the consumption of thieu lychees in big cities such as Ha Noi, Hai Phong, and Ho Chi Minh city.

The district authorities and agricultural service cooperatives having lychees have proactively contacted businesses, units, and individuals for lychee purchase.

Though the peak harvest time of main-crop thieu lychees is mid-June, agricultural service cooperatives of Thanh Khe, Thanh Son, and Thanh Xa communes have proactively got in touch with enterprises to sell lychees.

Agricultural Import and Export Global JSC. and Ameii Vietnam JSC. have contracted to buy almost all 200 tons of main-crop thieu lychees of production group No. 6 of the Thanh Xa commune Agricultural Service Cooperative to make lychee juice, vinegar, etc. for supply to domestic and international markets.

In previous years, up to 70% of Thanh Ha thieu lychees were consumed in China, the rest were domestically sold and exported to other countries; however, it is expected that 50% of this year's yield will be domestically consumed.

In addition to traders buying and selling lychees in other provinces and cities, e-commerce platforms have also contributed to the consumption of Thanh Ha thieu lychees.

With the current situation, it is expected that only about 10% of lychees in the locality will be exported to the US, Japan, Europe, etc., and the remaining 40% to China.

This year, the yield of Thanh Ha thieu lychees is estimated at about 44,000 tons. The locality has 45 areas granted cultivation area codes, 500 ha of lychees certified to meet VietGAP standard, and 100 ha certified to meet GlobalGAP standard.

Thanh Ha thieu lychees have been exported to many countries, but in the long run, the domestic market is still considered the main consumption one.


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Utilizing domestic market for lychee consumption