
Multi-talented female employees at Con Son - Kiep Bac relic site

Hai Duong News 29/09/2024 06:00

Female staff members of the Management Board of Con Son - Kiep Bac Relics in Hai Duong province are all versatile as they can fulfill their tasks in any position.

Những cô gái năng động ở Ban Quản lý di tích Côn Sơn - Kiếp Bạc
Active female members of the Management Board of Con Son - Kiep Bac Relics

On a bus from Con Son relic to Kiep Bac temple to attend this year’s autumn festival, Dinh Thi Lien, a staff member of the Management Board of Con Son - Kiep Bac Relics answered many questions of visitors about the worship of Buddha at Con Son pagoda, stories related to the relic, etc.

Lien has just won first prize of the 2024 Hai Duong Tour Guide Competition, organized by the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Chị Đinh Thị Liên (ngoài cùng bên phải) trong một lần đón tiếp khách tại chùa Côn Sơn
Dinh Thi Lien (far right) is receiving visitors to Con Son pagoda

Female employees of the Management Board of Con Son - Kiep Bac Relics like Lien are very dynamic. Those who are fluent in foreign languages ​​often receive foreign guests, while experienced ones are assigned to welcome heads of state.

Besides tour guides, scientific researchers there are a solid force with profound professional knowledge.

“This is a cadre to carry out important tasks and jointly work out a dossier requesting UNESCO’s recognition of Yen Tu - Vinh Nghiem - Con Son, Kiep Bac relic and landscape complex as a world heritage site”, said Dr. Le Duy Manh, Deputy Head of the Management Board.

The board has 96 staff members, 26 of them are female who work as receptionists or ticket sellers aside from tour guides and scientific researchers.

In addition to their professional duties, the female employees also perform many other tasks. Sometimes they excel like real chefs or artisans for their love for their jobs.

Appetizing dishes at a Con Son vegetarian cuisine event in 2023

At a vegetarian cuisine event held in Con Son last year, tourists were delighted to enjoy more than 40 beautiful and delicious dishes with a variety of appetizers, main dishes and desserts.

The menu planning, ingredient purchase, and cooking of over 500 vegetarian meals every day were mainly done by Bui Thi Cam Van, an employee of the Board’s Tourism Service Division.

“I am absorbed in my job because this is what I love. Making delicious dishes and receiving compliments from diners are the joys of every cook,” said Van.

Most female employees at Con Son and Kiep Bac relics can skillfully make and brew lotus and chrysanthemum tea.

Ảnh báo in: Chị Nguyễn Thị Thu Dung thực hiện các bước pha trà sen Kiếp Bạc
Nguyen Thi Thu Dung makes Kiep Bac lotus tea

During a field trip to Hai Duong to appraise the dossier requesting UNESCO’s recognition of Yen Tu - Vinh Nghiem - Con Son, Kiep Bac relic and landscape complex as a world heritage site, Ratish Nanda, an ICOMOS expert, had the opportunity to enjoy lotus tea at Kiep Bac temple and used the word "wonderful" to express his feelings.

In order to realize a project to develop high-quality tourism in Hai Duong province for the 2021-2030 period and turn Con Son - Kiep Bac relic site into a national tourist area, the development of elite, professional human resources and the building of unique tourism services and products play an important role.

“Despite the limited number of female staff members, most of them are dedicated and have an important part in developing tourism products and services for the relics,” said Nguyen Thi Thuy Lien, Head of the Management Board.

Hầu hết nữ nhân viên Ban Quản lý di tích Côn Sơn - Kiếp Bạc đều có thể sắp các mâm lễ rất đẹp mắt
Most female employees of the Con Son - Kiep Bac Relic Management Board can arrange beautiful offering trays

Hai Duong News

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Multi-talented female employees at Con Son - Kiep Bac relic site