
Hai Duong has many advantages in high-quality manpower development

THANH NGA - TUAN ANH 08/08/2024 10:26

Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Le Tan Dung believed that Hai Duong has many advantages in developing high-quality human resources.


Đồng chí Lê Tấn Dũng, Thứ trưởng Lao động, Thương binh và Xã hội phát biểu tại buổi làm việc
Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Le Tan Dung addresses the meeting

A delegation of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affair, led by Deputy Minister Le Tan Dung, paid a working visit to Hai Duong province on August 7 afternoon on the summary of 10 years of implementing the 11th Party Central Committee’s Secretariat’s Directive No. 37-CT/TW dated June 6, 2014 on strengthening the Party's leadership in training highly skilled human resources.

Hai Duong province considers building human resources satisfying employment requirements as one of the pillars for economic development, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh Hung told the delegation.

The province has issued many policies related to the training of high-quality human resources to meet production and business requirements and contribute to turning Hai Duong into a modern industrial province by 2030.

Đồng chí Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Hải Dương Nguyễn Minh Hùng phát biểu tại buổi làm việc
Vice Chairman of the Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh Hung speaks at the meeting

Over the past 10 years, the training of highly skilled human resources in Hai Duong recorded certain results.

Training programs were always innovated to suit the needs of learners as well as employers. The number of trained workers rapidly increased, with 32.5% of them granted certificates in 2023, up about 14% compared to 2014.

Vocational training institutions proactively coordinated with enterprises and employers in organizing training and providing jobs for graduates…

Các đại biểu tham dự buổi làm việc
Participants in the meeting

Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Le Tan Dung acknowledged the active participation of the provincial authorities, especially vocational schools, in observing Directive No. 37-CT/TW.

Dung believed that Hai Duong has many advantages in developing high-quality human resources.

The province is located in the Red River Delta, one of the regions with the highest demand for human resources in Vietnam, and has a lot of developed industrial parks, convenient traffic, a properly-shifted economic structure, a large population, and a high intellectual level, Dung said.

Đoàn khảo sát làm việc tại Trường Cao đẳng Dược Trung ương Hải Dương
The delegation works at Hai Duong Central College of Pharmacy

In particular, the province always allocates adequate investment for developing high-quality human resources, the deputy minister praised.

“Hai Duong should grasp the conditions to properly orient the training of highly skilled human resources,” Dung suggested.

Deputy Minister Le Tan Dung hoped that in the coming time, Hai Duong leaders will continue to pay attention to this field and enable relevant sectors to review strategic and large investors to create a premise for vocational schools to sign cooperation programs for manpower supply.

Đoàn khảo sát làm việc tại Trường Cao đẳng Nghề Hải Dương
The delegation works at Hai Duong Vocational College

Earlier, the delegation visited Hai Duong Vocational College and Hai Duong Central College of Pharmacy on the morning of the same day.

Hai Duong province has 18 active vocational training institutions, including eight colleges, two intermediate schools, seven vocational training centers, and one enterprise engaged in vocational training, with about 38,000 students enrolled and trained each year.


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Hai Duong has many advantages in high-quality manpower development