Decree clarifies conditions to set up foreign-invested vocational training institutions in Vietnam

14/04/2022 07:35

The investor must hold investment of at least 5 billion VND (218,450 USD), excluding the land value, for a vocational education center.

Illustrative photo. Source:

The Government has issued Decree No. 24/2022/ND-CP revising and supplementing regulations on the conditions required for the establishment of branches of foreign-invested vocational education institutions in Vietnam.

Under the document, in order to launch a branch in Vietnam, a foreign-invested vocational education centre must obtain land of at least 0.1 hectare, while an intermediate school must have an area of 1 hectare inside urban areas, or 2 hectares outside cities, and a college must have an area of 2 hectares in urban areas or 4 hectares outside urban areas.

Meanwhile, the investor must hold investment of at least 5 billion VND (218,450 USD), excluding the land value, for a vocational education center, 50 billion VND (2.18 million USD) for a vocational intermediate school, and 100 billion VND (4.36 million USD) for a vocational college.

The location of the new branch must be different from the place where the foreign-invested vocational education institution's headquarters is based.

Requests for registration should be submitted online or mail or directly at the General Directorate of Vocational Training (for colleges) and the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (for intermediate schools).

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs as well as provincial-level People’s Committees will make public the decision to allow the establishment of branches of foreign-invested intermediate schools and colleges on their online portals.


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Decree clarifies conditions to set up foreign-invested vocational training institutions in Vietnam