
Hai Duong considers waiving all fees, charges for full-process online public services

HA KIEN – THANH CHUNG 18/07/2024 10:55

Hai Duong province recorded positive results in digital transformation in the first six months of 2024.

Ảnh báo in (trang 1): Đồng chí Trần Đức Thắng, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Bí thư Tỉnh ủy, Trưởng Ban Chỉ đạo chuyển đổi số tỉnh chủ trì phiên họp đánh giá kết quả chuyển đổi số 6 tháng đầu năm, triển khai nhiệm vụ 6 tháng cuối năm 2024 sáng 17/7
Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang presides over the meeting

Hai Duong province achieved many positive results in digital transformation, from institutions to digital awareness, digital economy, and information security, the first six months of 2024, said Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang on July 17.

Thang, who is also head of the provincial Digital Transformation Steering Committee, made the remark at a meeting with the committee to evaluate digital transformation results in the first six months and deploy tasks for the last six months of 2024.

Giám đốc Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông Nguyễn Cao Thắng báo cáo kết quả chuyển đổi số của tỉnh
Director of the Department of Information and Communications Nguyen Cao Thang reports results of the province's digital transformation

He required the provincial Digital Transformation Steering Committee to request the provincial People’s Committee to study and ask competent authorities to consider and soon issue a regulation on 100% exemption of fees and charges for full-process online public services.

The provincial Party Committee secretary required the steering committee to have a specific implementation schedule for the Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) and Security Operations Center (SOC), focus on removing obstacles, and promptly put them into operation to serve the people.

Tổng Biên tập Báo Hải Dương Nguyễn Quý Trọng nêu ý kiến tại phiên họp
Editor-in-chief of the Hai Duong Newspaper Nguyen Quy Trong expresses his opinion at the meeting

In the first half of the year, digital economy made up 17.5% of Hai Duong’s GRDP.

150,104 agricultural production households in the province were active on e-commerce platforms, 173,732 agricultural production households were trained in digital skills, 1,162 products of the province were posted on e-commerce platforms with 41,132 transactions there, ranking 7th nationwide.

The province had 3,229 base transceiver stations at 1,565 locations. 3G and 4G mobile networks covered 100% of the province’s population. More than 1.7 million subscribers used smartphones, reaching 87% of smartphones/ 100 people.

Giám đốc Viễn thông Hải Dương, Trưởng đại diện của Tập đoàn VNPT tại tỉnh Hải Dương Lương Tuấn Phương trình bày một số giải pháp nâng cao hiệu quả hoạt động Tổ công nghệ số cộng đồng
Director of Hai Duong Telecommunications, Chief Representative of VNPT Group in Hai Duong province Luong Tuan Phuong presents some solutions to improve the operational efficiency of the Community Digital Technology Group

The rate of online applications hit 87%, 16% of which were full-process ones; 100% of results were given online; and 98.89% of dossiers and results of administrative procedure processing were digitized, according to the system monitoring and measuring the level of service provision (EMC).

People’s satisfaction of administrative procedure processing on the National Public Service Portal was high, reaching 99% in terms of handling feedback and recommendations and 95.55% in receiving and resolving administrative procedures.


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Hai Duong considers waiving all fees, charges for full-process online public services