“Smart hamlets” in Tan Ky

08/02/2023 06:59

Tan Ky commune, Tu Ky district, is gradually bringing digital technology to life and narrowing the gap with urban areas to form “smart hamlets”.

A reeling-machine is automatically controlled to create oxygen for fish

Tan Ky commune used to be a low-lying rural area where people clung to the fields all year round but remained poor and backward.

To date, that countryside has made many innovations. Tan Ky is the only locality in Tu Ky district to pilot the “smart hamlet” model and strive to finish model new-style rural building this year.

Tan Ky is still an agricultural commune, but local farmers have applied high technology and techniques to production. Especially, in recent years, Tan Ky has emerged as a high-tech aquaculture center and a leading locality in mechanizing agricultural production in Tu Ky district.

At present, there are nearly 200 ha of high-tech aquaculture in the commune, concentrated in Ngoc Lam and Nghi Khe hamlets. Unlike traditional aquaculture, aquaculture there is supported by machines, helping to reduce labor costs.

Nguyen Huu Quan in Nghi Khe hamlet has 11 ha of fish breeding, the largest in the commune, but only three people are needed for care and management.

“Everything is automated. I only need to turn on a switch, and a machine will automatically feed the fish. Labor is reduced but productivity is still guaranteed, from 30 – 35 tons/ ha. This farm brings me a profit of 2 – 3 billion VND each year,” said Quan.

Besides production, technology also actively supports people's daily lives. All community activities are posted in online groups of the commune, helping to spread beautiful images of the locality.

“My job as a Party cell secretary and hamlet head is much cushier. In the past, we had to go from house to house to announce every work of the commune or hamlet, whether it was big or small, but now, only one message in the Zalo group is enough for everyone to know,” said Pham Quang Hop, Secretary of the Party Cell cum Head of Ngoc Lam hamlet.

Tan Ky countryside has changed dramatically. There are big beautiful concrete roads from hamlets to high-tech aquaculture zones and automatic lighting along all roads in hamlets and sub-hamlets.

WiFi is provided free of charge in the hall and surrounding area of the commune People's Committee for people to access information and interact with other agencies and units when necessary. Places for community activities, temples, and pagodas are also covered by free WiFi.

Security cameras are being installed along commune roads, at T-junctions, intersections, important traffic positions, etc.

All these factors have created momentum for strong economic development. In 2022, per capita income in the commune exceeded 72 million VND, up 10 million VND compared to 2021.

Tan Ky has fulfilled 16 out of 19 advanced new-style rural criteria and planned to achieve the remaining ones within this year.

A model new-style rural area must have one “smart hamlet” recognized to meet standards. However, ministries and Central bodies have not issued specific guidelines for “smart hamlet” building.

Having to perform many difficult tasks at the same time, but the Party organization, authorities, and residents of Tan Ky commune are determined to complete model new-style rural building this year.


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“Smart hamlets” in Tan Ky