
Number of Hai Duong workers sent abroad 27% higher than 2024 target

NGOC THANH 12/08/2024 20:29

The Hai Duong labor, invalids, and social affairs sector has actively coordinated with relevant authorities to send workers abroad.

Người lao động đang tham gia chương trình đào tạo xuất khẩu lao động của một đơn vị trên địa bàn tỉnh đến kê khai thông tin tại Trung tâm Dịch vụ việc làm - Giáo dục nghề nghiệp Hải Dương
Laborers engaged in a guest worker training program of a unit in Hai Duong province write their personal information at the Hai Duong Center for Employment Services - Vocational Education

Hai Duong province sent 5,713 laborers to work abroad under contracts in the first seven months of 2024, 27% higher than the target for the whole year, according to the provincial Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs (LISA).

Among them, 3,051 went to China’s Taiwan, 2,163 to Japan, 212 to the Republic of Korea, and the rest to other markets.

Japan was a large recipient of Hai Duong’s guest workers; however, continuous depreciation of the Japanese yen in recent times resulted in a decrease in the number of Hai Duong people choosing this market.

Over the past time, the provincial LISA sector has actively coordinated with the Department of Overseas Labor and the Center of Overseas Labor under the LISA Ministry and People's Committees at district, city, and town levels to send Vietnamese laborers to work abroad under contracts.

The provincial authorities also sent a delegation to Japan’s Kagoshima prefecture to work with unions there and sign a cooperation agreement on labor supply.


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Number of Hai Duong workers sent abroad 27% higher than 2024 target