The weather in Hai Duong province in the last days of 2024 and the first ones of 2025 will remain cold but basically warm in the daytime thanks to sunshine.
Hai Duong province is forecast to enjoy sunny days and rainless nights from December 30, 2024 to January 2, 2025.
Temperature will be 20 – 21 degrees Celsius by day but 13 – 14 degrees Celsius by night and early morning, making it very cold.
Thus, Hai Duong will welcome the new year in weather conditions that are not too cold but fairly warm during the day, with temperature 21 – 22 degrees Celsius, suitable for outdoor recreational activities.
Cold air is likely to be stronger around January 3, 2025, making the province cold and cloudy, drizzly in some places and severely cold at night, less cloudy and sunny in the afternoon.
In the next days, the cold air is predicted to become stable and then gradually weaken, resulting in cloudy and rainless weather, with temperature fluctuating between 15 and 22 degrees Celsius.