Hai Duong city to set off fireworks on New Year's Eve earlier than originally planned

12/01/2023 10:27

The People's Committee of Hai Duong city held a meeting on January 11 to realize its plan to set off fireworks on 2023 Quy Mao New Year's Eve.

The People's Committee of Hai Duong city holds a meeting to realize its plan to set off fireworks on 2023 Quy Mao New Year's Eve

As planned, 180 firework frames will be set off in the east, west, and north of Bach Dang lake in Bach Dang park from 11.15 pm to 11.30 pm on January 21 (i.e. the New Year's Eve).

The starting time and number of firework frames are different from the old plan (15 minutes earlier and 30 more frames).

Funds for the firework display were socialized.

Before the fireworks, there will be a 30-minute musical show of Hai Duong artists.


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Hai Duong city to set off fireworks on New Year's Eve earlier than originally planned