Hai Duong Weather Forecast

Downpours forecast to end intense heat in Hai Duong from tonight

Hai Duong News 15/06/2024 14:52

Showers and thunderstorms are forecast to occur in Hai Duong province from the night of June 15 to June 16, ending hot weather.

Dự báo từ đêm 15/6 đến ngày 16/6 khu vực Hải Dương có mưa vừa, mưa to, cục bộ có nơi mưa rất to (ảnh tư liệu)
Moderate or heavy rain is likely to occur in Hai Duong province from the night of June 15 to June 16 (file photo)

Hai Duong province is currently under the influence of a trough combined with aloft wind convergence at an altitude of up to 5,000 m above sea level, according to the provincial Hydrometeorological Station.

The combination will cause moderate or heavy rain in the province from the night of June 15 to June 16, the station forecast.

There may be even downpours and thunderstorms in some places, with an average rainfall of 30 – 70 mm or higher.

Experts warn that thunderstorms are likely to be accompanied by whirlwinds, lightning, and strong winds that can break trees and damage houses, traffic works, and infrastructure.

Hai Duong News

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Downpours forecast to end intense heat in Hai Duong from tonight