
PM Chinh to visit China, United States, Brazil: Foreign ministry

VNS 15/09/2023 12:51

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will start a series of high-level external affairs activities starting next week.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

Vietnamese Prime Minister (PM) Pham Minh Chinh will start a series of high-level external affairs activities starting next week with visits to China, the United States, and Brazil, lasting from September 17 throughout September 26, according to the announcement from the foreign ministry.

At the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Qiang, PM Chinh will attend the 20th ASEAN-China Expo (CAEXPO) and the China-ASEAN Business & Investment Summit (CABIS) held in Nanning, Guangxi region, China during September 17-19, Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang said on Thursday at the regular press briefing in Ha Noi.

The CAEXPO and the CABIS are jointly held annually by China in Nanning, and this is one of the top ten exhibitions in China. The 20th CABIS this year has the theme of "Building a harmonious homeland, a common destiny to the future - promoting high-quality development of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and building an economic growth centre."

The two events are part of a series of events to celebrate 20 years of China-ASEAN strategic partnership.

The event welcomes 120 Vietnamese businesses with 200 booths of various products - agricultural and aquaculture products, processed food, footwear, household appliances, footwear, and wood and craft products.

Hang said it is expected that PM Chinh will attend the opening ceremony of the CAEXPO and CABIS, meet with Chinese Premier, have talks with the Secretary of Guangxi Party Committee Liu Ning, and take part in other foreign affairs activities.

Asked about Vietnam and China cooperation within BRI, spokesperson Hang said Vietnam "welcomes initiatives that promote connectivity and regional economic cooperation on the basis of ensuring the principles of peaceful and mutually beneficial cooperation with mutual respect in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, contributing to the sustainable development and economic prosperity of all countries."

Recently, the friendship between Vietnam and China has maintained its growth, including the cooperation mechanisms that connect Vietnam and China as a whole and connectivity within the BRI.

The governments of both countries have recently signed an MoU in order to further promote connectivity within the framework of Vietnam's 'Two Corridors, One Belt' as well as China's BRI.

For many years, Vietnamese businesses and Chinese businesses have actively cooperated in transporting goods through the corridor connecting Chongqing to Vietnam and a number of ASEAN countries, and from Vietnam to China to Central Asia.

"We hope that the Belt and Road Initiative will continue to strengthen economic connectivity and regional connectivity to assist countries in building infrastructure and in expanding their markets. It will narrow the development gap between countries and bring about new opportunities for businesses and the people in the region and the world," spokesperson Hang said.

In the latest meeting between PM Chinh and the Chinese Premier, both sides also agreed to continue to foster strategic connectivity to cooperate in building the BRI to a higher quality, to further connect the road systems, to further build the logistics systems, in order to get it to higher efficiency and to bring about new opportunities to businesses and people of both countries, as well as to actively contribute to peace, stability, and prosperity of the region and the world, Hang added.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang

US visit

After China, PM Chinh and a Vietnamese high-level delegation will attend the 78th UN General Assembly (UNGA) meeting, as well as engage in bilateral activity in the US.

Over the past years, Vietnam has actively and responsibly contributed to the effectiveness and assistance in all aspects of the UN, Hang said.

The 78th UNGA will be held with the theme of "Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all."

PM Chinh is set to attend and deliver a speech at the general debate of the UNGA, the Climate Ambition Summit, and the UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, as well as meet with the UN Secretary General and the UNGA President, and engage in bilateral exchanges with representatives from countries and international organisations.

The Government leader will also have several bilateral activities in the US.

The Vietnam-US relations have witnessed extensive and intensive progress in all areas of bilateral ties, as well as in regional and international matters. The two sides have just elevated the relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership during the trip to Vietnam by US President Joe Biden on September 10-11 at the invitation of the Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

"The trip to the US right after President Biden's visit is of great significance to realise the outcomes attained during Biden's trip to Việt Nam," Hang noted.

During the US trip, PM Chính would meet with leaders of the administration and the US Congress, attend several activities related to trade and economy between the two countries, along with other foreign affairs.

Brazil visit

After wrapping up activities in the US, PM Chinh will begin his official visit to Brazil, at the invitation of Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Vietnam-Brazil relations over past years have been growing actively.

Brazil is Vietnam's largest trade partner in Latin America with trade turnover in 2022 hitting nearly US$6.8 billion (6.6 per cent rise from 2021).

During the trip, PM Chinh will have bilateral talks with Brazilian President and meet with leaders of the national progress.

Both sides pay attention to bolstering cooperation in areas such as agriculture, science, technology, culture, sports, and defence, the spokesperson remarked.


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PM Chinh to visit China, United States, Brazil: Foreign ministry