LS Group, COPION organization support school health

10/09/2020 10:26

The provincial Center for Friendship Cooperation will coordinate with schools to receive and disburse the aid in accordance with regulations.

The People's Committee of Hai Duong province has allowed the Center for Friendship Cooperation (provincial Union of Friendship Organizations) to receive VND554 million from LS Group and COPION organization in the Republic of Korea.

The money will be used to buy medicine and medical supplies for medical rooms, install RO water filtration systems for the primary schools of Minh Duc and Quang Khai in Tu Ky district, Tan Truong 1 in Cam Giang district, and Dai Duc in Kim Thanh district and Thai Hoa Primary and Junior High School in Binh Giang district; and renovate and repair the deteriorated medical room at Minh Duc Primary School.

The provincial Center for Friendship Cooperation will coordinate with the schools to receive and disburse the aid in accordance with regulations.


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LS Group, COPION organization support school health