
Hai Duong people’s affection in storms and floods

Hai Duong News 12/09/2024 16:38

These days, Hai Duong province is being severely affected by Typhoon Yagi and floods. Authorities and people’s spirit of mutual affection and support has once again been rekindled through warm acts of humanity.

ảnh báo in: Lực lượng công an, quân đội... tích cực tham gia hỗ trợ các địa phương chống lũ. Ảnh: ĐỖ QUYẾT
Police and military forces actively help localities with flood prevention

A lot of households in various localities in Hai Duong province have been evacuated from flooded, low-lying, riverside, or flood-prone areas to safe places by the police, army, youth union… These forces are also actively participating in overcoming dike incidents like overflow prevention.

Under the heavy rain on September 10 morning, police, army, and militia forces of Kim Thanh district, regardless of difficulties, waded into the fields outside the local dike – where the Kinh Mon river was rising – to take people and property of 59 households in Bo Nong hamlet, Tuan Viet commune, to safety. They had no time to rest and even forgot lunch to race against the rising floodwaters.

70 cán bộ phường, chiến sĩ công an, an ninh cơ sở, quân sự địa phương, thanh niên... trên địa bàn phường Phú Thứ (Kinh Môn) tham gia hỗ trợ người dân di dời. Ảnh: LÊ HƯƠNG
70 ward officials, police, grassroots security, and local military officers, young people... in Phu Thu ward, Kinh Mon town assist people with evacuation

Kim Thanh district Youth Union on the same day prepared more than 200 meals for the evacuated people and the forces on duty, said Secretary of the Union Nguyen Thi Anh.

The provincial Military Command has mobilized hundreds of soldiers to directly support people in Hai Duong city, Kinh Mon town, Nam Sach and Kim Thanh districts… with evacuation and displacement of their assets and livestock to safe areas.

Besides, units under Military Region 3 have sent soldiers to help localities in the province overcome the consequences of Typhoon Yagi and floods.

Lực lượng quân đội giúp người dân dọn dẹp vườn tược
A soldier helps clean up a garden

“The units directly went to households and areas to support farmers in harvesting rice, vegetables, cleaning up gardens, houses, schools... regardless of difficulties to ensure the safety of their life, property, and crops,” said a representative of the provincial Military Command.

To farmers, crops, livestock, poultry, aquatic products... are the main source of income, but the typhoon and floods left serious consequences that cannot be overcome in a day or two. It is important to help farmers salvage some income; thus, a lot of unions have directly assisted them in harvesting agricultural products and calling on consumption.

“We sold 21 tons of melons and 700 chickens for farmers in Pham Tran commune after two days of posting on our Facebook fanpage,” said Nguyen Van Dat, Secretary of the commune Youth Union in Gia Loc district.

Đoàn xã Phạm Trấn (Gia Lộc) hỗ trợ nông dân tiêu thụ nông sản
Members of the Pham Tran commune Youth Union in Gia Loc district support farmers in selling agricultural products

The Youth Union also plans to mobilize young people to clean up the fields and rebuild greenhouses and net houses for farmers, Dat added.

As the water level of rivers in the province is rising, it is touching that Hung Cuong Trading and Services Co., Ltd. in Thanh Ha district has donated more than 10,000 m³ of soil and prepared 10 trucks, four excavators, two bulldozers, and over 40 workers to help localities reinforce dikes against floods.

Tri Duc Primary, Secondary and High School in Chi Linh city has prepared accommodation with adequate conditions of electricity, water, and sanitation to ensure the daily life of more than 1,000 people (if needed).

Thành đoàn Chí Linh tiếp nhận nước uống của các tổ chức, cá nhân ủng hộ cho lực lượng chống bão lũ
The Chi Linh city Youth Union receives drinking water donated to support typhoon and flood prevention forces

Many other people in the province have also proactively supported the consumption of agricultural products, cage reinforcement, and fish harvesting.

The more difficult the situation, the more the spirit of solidarity and noble acts are promoted, adding strength and warming the hearts of functional forces and people to overcome storms and floods. That is the most precious and valuable thing after losses caused by natural disasters.

Hai Duong News

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Hai Duong people’s affection in storms and floods