
Heartwarming porridge

LUONG HA 20/09/2023 6:55

Over the past two years, hot bowls of porridge have timely helped many patients at the Medical Center of Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong province, overcome difficulties.

Many patients come to receive free porridge at the Medical Center of Thanh Ha district

The Social Work Team of the Medical Center of Thanh Ha district, a number of sponsors, monks, nuns, and Buddhists jointly cook and distribute porridge to patients at the center free of charge every Monday, Thursday, and Friday.

They are divided into three groups to cook and distribute 250 – 300 bowls of porridge each time.

The groups often contact each other to diversify ingredients to give patients an appetite. It is joyful for them to prepare delicious and nutritional porridge for patients in need.

“I always ask for charity porridge since it is nourishing and cost-saving. Many patients take a lot for both breakfast and lunch,” said Pham Thi Lan, a patient at the district Medical Center.

Monks, nuns, and Buddhists actively do charity, cook and distribute porridge

“Porridge ingredients are all donated by philanthropists and Buddhists,” said monk Thich Dieu Lam, head of Hung Phuc pagoda, adding that the volunteer activity is connecting more and more people.

In addition to free porridge distribution, the Social Work Team also placed a charity box in the lobby to receive donations from benefactors for poor patients.

“We will try to act as a bridge to multiply good deeds to help patients feel secure in treatment,” said doctor Bui Van Truong, Deputy Director of the district Medical Center.


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Heartwarming porridge