
Hai Duong to increase 5G infrastructure in industrial parks

MINH NGUYEN 26/08/2024 09:44

The development of 5G technology infrastructure will help businesses reduce human resources and increase labor productivity.

Đồng chí Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực UBND tỉnh Hải Dương Lưu Văn Bản phát biểu kết luận hội thảo
Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Luu Van Ban delivers the closing speech

Viettel Hai Duong has coordinated with the Department of Information and Communications and the provincial Industrial Parks Authority to hold a workshop on the development of 5G infrastructure to attract more investment to the province’s industrial parks.

Determining that telecommunications infrastructure is indispensable in the infrastructure of industrial parks and clusters, residential areas, and public places to make investors choose Hai Duong, Standing Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Luu Van Ban required relevant bodies to coordinate in making plans and selecting locations to install 5G stations in industrial parks.

Đại tá Nguyễn Anh Sơn, Phó Tổng Giám đốc Tổng công ty Mạng lưới Viettel phát biểu về sự cần thiết của mạng viễn thông 5G trong khu công nghiệp
Colonel Nguyen Anh Son, Deputy General Director of Viettel Networks, points out a need for 5G telecommunications networks in industrial parks

Viettel leaders presented the advantages and necessity of 5G networks in industrial parks to ensure digital technology infrastructure for businesses and secondary investors to deploy 5G applications and build smart factories and smart industrial parks.

The development of 5G technology infrastructure will help businesses reduce human resources and increase labor productivity, they noted.

Các bên ký biên bản ghi nhớ thúc đẩy triển khai hạ tầng cáp quang, hạ tầng 5G
Signing a memorandum of understanding to promote the construction of fiber optic and 5G infrastructure

At the workshop, the Department of Information and Communications, the provincial Industrial Parks Authority, and Viettel Hai Duong signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the construction of fiber optic and 5G infrastructure in the province's industrial parks.


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Hai Duong to increase 5G infrastructure in industrial parks