Hai Duong provincial People's Council passes many important resolutions on public investment

13/07/2021 14:22

The 17th Hai Duong provincial People's Council (2021 – 2026 tenure) on July 12 morning held its 2nd session (thematic one) to consider and pass important resolutions on public investment.

Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Council, speaks to conclude the 2nd session of the provincial People's Council

The participants in the session considered a report on an allocation plan for the provincial medium-term public investment plan for five years from 2021 to 2025.

More than VND23,199 billion is expected to be taken from the provincial State budget for the period, including over VND19,556 billion from local budgets and more than VND3,643 billion from the Central budget.

The local budgets comprise more than VND4,115 billion from capital construction investment, VND15,000 billion from land use fees, VND323 billion from constructive lottery, and VND118 billion from local budget overspending.

The Central budget consists of more than VND3,233 billion in domestic capital and over VND409 billion in official development assistance (ODA).

It is expected that VND759 billion will be allocated to nine projects to be completed in the 2021 – 2025 period, more than VND1,937 billion to nine newly-commenced projects expected to be completed in the 2021 – 2025 period, VND26 billion to nine projects in the fields of agriculture, forestry, irrigation, and aquaculture, more than VND510 billion to a traffic project, etc. from more than VND3,233 billion in the Central budget for five years from 2021 to 2025.

The provincial authorities will allocate local budgets in detail in accordance with the Law on Public Investment and current legal provisions after the National Assembly and the Prime Minister decide to assign a medium-term investment plan for local budgets in five years from 2021 to 2025.

In his speech to conclude the session, Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Council, stressed that the resolutions freshly passed by the provincial People's Council were important to promote the provincial socio-economic development in the coming time.

He required really strong and breakthrough innovation of public investment allocation method; focus on prioritizing resources for key and dynamic works connecting regions and creating new added value right after completion; investment in big projects creating new impetus and space in economic growth and no scattered and small allocation of investment; determination of key projects prioritized to enjoy allocation first; planning to mobilize maximum public investment resources from auctions of land use rights, increased budget revenues, and other resources; and research and efforts to achieve the goal of sharply increasing the total public investment compared with the current expectation.

Voting resolutions of the 2nd session of the provincial People's Council

The official assigned the provincial People's Committee to urgently direct review of all public investment projects having been being implemented; devise thorough principle on allocating public investment in the direction of minimizing the division of public investment for small upgrading and repair projects; concentrate capital on infrastructure investment projects, especially traffic projects and cultural, sport, health, and education works; and take drastic and synchronous measures and promptly remove difficulties and obstacles to accelerate implementation and disburse public investment, striving to accomplish the goal of disbursing all public investment assigned under the plan for 2021.

The provincial People's Committee should direct all-level authorities and branches to make a specific and detailed disbursement plan for each project and establish a provincial People's Committee team for regular inspection, urging, removal of difficulties, and handling of delayed projects.

By October 31, 2021, undisbursed capital of projects will resolutely be transferred to projects partly implemented to speed up the disbursement of public investment, and the responsibility of heads and investors will be reviewed if it cannot be disbursed by the end of 2021.

Regarding three important sub-projects of an e-government and smart urban building project related to strong improvement of the provincial business and investment environment, it is necessary to focus on execution with a determination to complete disbursement sooner than planned.

Mr. Pham Xuan Thang suggested active and proactive supervision from standing members, boards, members, and member groups of the provincial People's Council for the resolutions of the provincial People's Council to come into practice, contributing to accomplishing the programs and targets set at Party Congresses at all levels for the 2020 – 2025 period.


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Hai Duong provincial People's Council passes many important resolutions on public investment