First agricultural product in Kim Thanh has traceability stamps

07/08/2023 10:58

The traceability of Dong Cam guava will build buyers’ trust in consuming the product of Kim Thanh district.

A member of the provincial Farmers’ Union guides the Branch of Farmers Cultivating and Selling Safe Dong Cam Guava on sticking traceability stamps (photo courtesy of the district Farmers’ Union)

The Farmers’ Union of Hai Duong province has given traceability stamps and packaging to the Branch of Farmers Cultivating and Selling Safe Dong Cam Guava.

This is the first agricultural product of Kim Thanh district to have traceability stamps.

After harvest, guava will be preliminarily processed, packaged, and labeled with a traceability stamp.

Consumers can use their phones to scan a quick response code on the stamp to get information about the producer, production process, harvest and packing time, expiry date, etc.

The district Farmers’ Union is striving to support 3 – 4 branches in the district with traceability stamps from now till the end of the year. 

Hai Duong News

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First agricultural product in Kim Thanh has traceability stamps