Carriers ensure travel need on National Day holidays

30/08/2022 11:19

Representatives of some passenger transport enterprises in the province surveyed by reporters affirmed to meet people's travel need on National Day (September 2) holidays.

At present, the capacity of most of the carriers is not fully exploited. Several companies plan to increase the number of runs to serve people's travel need on September 2 occasion, while some others have not made any plans but will base themselves on the actual travel demand.

Huy Hoang Co., Ltd. in Hai Duong city is currently using 60% of its vehicles. The company intends to add 10 runs, including six from Hai Duong city to Ninh Giang district and vice versa and four from Hai Duong province to Thai Binh province and vice versa.

The addition is expected to begin on August 31. Each vehicle will depart every 15 – 20 minutes on average. Fares will remain unchanged at 35,000 VND for the whole route and 25,000 VND for one stage.

A representative of Trieu Pho Co., Ltd. said that only about 50% of the carrier's vehicles were being used.

People's travel demand at present is not high, especially for inter-provincial routes. The carrier will base itself on the actual situation to work out an adjustment plan in the near future.

In case of great demand for travel, the carrier will arrange more vehicles for intra-provincial and inter-provincial routes.

Fares will be kept stable at 40,000 VND/ run from Ninh Giang district to Hai Duong city and vice versa, 20,000 – 28,000 VND/stage, and 6,000 VND/route within the city.

At present, only more than 60% of vehicles of July 27 Trading, Tourism, and Construction Enterprise are running. Passengers fill 30 – 40% of seats on weekdays and 50% on weekends.

Therefore, if the number of passengers increases on holidays, the unit will still be able to meet the demand without increasing the number of runs or vehicles.

Hai Duong News

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Carriers ensure travel need on National Day holidays