Asking for water from Gieng temple to make green bean cakes

10/04/2022 07:02

Going to Gieng (Well) temple in Hung Temple relic site to ask for water to make Tien Dung green bean cakes is a special story of Nguyen Phuc Lai’s family in Hai Duong city.

Workers are meticulous in each stage of Tien Dung green bean cake production

Lai and his wife came from Hung Yen. Previously, Lai worked in the cultural sector, and his wife was a teacher but retired early. After that, she opened a stand to sell books and newspapers for a living.

Lai was given a piece of land next to Binh Minh lake in Hai Duong city for house construction. Only later did he know that Chu Dong Tu (husband of Princess Tien Dung) once fished and built a village in the area.

In 1992, when confectionery models flourished in Hai Duong, his family also wanted to make green bean cakes but could not afford to hire a teacher.

At that time, he had a friend seasoned in green bean cake making. During a visit to Hai Duong, the friend taught Lai’s son how to make cakes.

After having finished making a cake, Lai thought about naming his first product. Many names were suggested, but in the end, he chose Tien Dung.

Lai said there were many reasons to choose the name of the princess for the cake. First, he and his wife were from Hung Yen, where Princess Tien Dung and Chu Dong Tu encountered and became husband and wife. Second, the place he was living in was once passed by Chu Dong Tu. Finally, he himself was passionate about the love story between Chu Dong Tu and Tien Dung, which was noble and worthy of worship.

At that moment, the cake had a name but was not sold on the market. For “validity”, in 1993, he and his wife went to Phu Tho and offered sacrifices to the kings and Tien Dung cake to Gieng temple (place of worship of Ngoc Hoa and Tien Dung, two daughters of a Hung king) to ask permission to name the cake after Princess Tien Dung.

He asked for about five liters of water from Gieng temple to boil sugar and soak cake molds. Surprisingly, that batch of cakes was more delicious than usual. Cakes were smoother, more yellow, and richer.

In the fall of 1993, his family’s first batch of cakes was offered to Dong Kieu communal house in Minh Khai street, Hai Duong city, a place of worship of a statue of Princess Tien Dung, and some other communal houses and pagodas.

After that, Lai’s family took the 12th day of the 8th lunar month - Chu Dong Tu’s birthday - as the starting date of Tien Dung green bean cakes, which is present-day Tien Dung Co., Ltd.

Although behind some other brands, Tien Dung green bean cakes still affirm their quality and position in the hearts of consumers.

After nearly 30 years of presence on the market, the cake making motto of Nguyen Phuc Lai's family is still “huu xa tu nhien huong,” meaning that as long as they do well and ensure quality, customers will certainly come.


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Asking for water from Gieng temple to make green bean cakes