Action plan to realize digital transformation resolution issued

02/07/2021 09:20

Hai Duong will strive for 90% of provincial documents, 80% of district documents, and 70% of commune documents to have been processed online by 2025 (except for those in the scope of State secrets).

This is a goal in an action plan freshly-issued by the provincial People's Committee to realize the resolution "Digital Transformation in the 2021 – 2025 period with orientation to 2030" in the province.

The provincial authorities will endeavor for 80% of level-4 online public services to have been provided on various means of access, including mobile devices; digital economy to have accounted for 20% of the gross regional domestic product (GRDP); and the number of digital technology enterprises in the province to have exceeded 700 by 2025.

By 2030, all provincial documents, 95% of district documents, and 80% of commune documents will have been processed online (except for documents in the scope of State secrets); all level-4 online public services will have been provided on various means of access, including mobile devices; digital economy will have accounted for 30% of the GRDP; there will have been more than 1,000 digital technology enterprises in the province; etc.

The provincial authorities put forth a number of tasks and measures to create a foundation for digital transformation and develop digital government, economy, and society.

Some specific contents were mentioned, such as cognitive transformation; construction and perfection of a legal environment; development of digital infrastructure and foundation; assurance of network safety and security; and international cooperation, research, development, innovation, and creation in a digital environment.

The infrastructure of the provincial information technology will be restructured and turned into digital infrastructure with the application of cloud computing, the provincial digital data portal and storage will be built, and all eligible administrative procedures will be upgraded to level-4 public services.

The development of the digital economy will be promoted, focusing on development of digital technology businesses, shifting from assembling and processing related to information technology to manufacturing of digital technology products, industry 4.0, digital content development, creative industry, fundamental and shared economy, e-commerce, and smart production.

A healthy, competitive, and sustainably developing e-commerce market will be built...

The action plan to realize the resolution on digital transformation defines nine priority fields, namely health, education, finance – banking, travel, agriculture, transport, logistics, resources and environment, industrial production, and national defense and security.


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Action plan to realize digital transformation resolution issued