21 administrative procedures on natural resources and environment eligible to be put in level-4 online public services

02/06/2021 09:39

21 administrative procedures in the fields of minerals, water resources, environment, and hydrometeorology qualify for online public services at level 4.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment has reviewed and listed 45 administrative procedures under its management eligible to be put in online public services at levels 3 and 4 on the national and provincial Public Service Portals in 2021.

In which, 21 administrative procedures in the fields of minerals, water resources, environment, and hydrometeorology qualify for online public services at level 4, and the remaining administrative procedures on land at level 3.

In the face of complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, the intensification of providing online public services at levels 3 and 4 has contributed to creating favorable conditions for organizations, individuals, and businesses to process administrative procedures and save time and costs, and, at the same time, helped activities of State bodies be transparent and efficient and an e-government be gradually built and developed.


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21 administrative procedures on natural resources and environment eligible to be put in level-4 online public services