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Tranh temple new tourist destination of Hai Duong

Hai Duong News 20/03/2024 10:00

The Tranh Temple Festival 2024 is more meaningful with the national artistic structure recognized as a tourist destination.

Đồng chí Triệu Thế Hùng, Phó Bí thư Tỉnh ủy, Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Hải Dương trao quyết định của UBND tỉnh Hải Dương công nhận di tích kiến trúc nghệ thuật đền Tranh là điểm du lịch
Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Trieu The Hung hands over the committee’s decision recognizing Tranh temple as a tourist destination

The People’s Committee of Ninh Giang district, Hai Duong province solemnly opened the Tranh Temple Festival 2024 on March 19.

Các đồng chí lãnh đạo, đại biểu và nhân dân dự khai mạc Lễ hội đền Tranh xuân Giáp Thìn
Leaders, delegates, and people attend the opening ceremony

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Trieu The Hung handed over the committee’s decision recognizing Tranh temple as a tourist destination at the opening ceremony.

Đồng chí Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Triệu Thế Hùng thắp hương tại đền Tranh
Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Trieu The Hung offers incense at Tranh temple

Later, delegates, locals, and visitors offered incense to commemorate Mandarin Tuan Tranh, who is worshipped at the temple.

Lễ rước nước diễn ra sáng 19/3
Carrying out the water procession ceremony on March 19 morning

The Tranh Temple Festival 2024 is taking place on March 19, 23, and 24 with many special activities, including a water procession ceremony, rituals, a musical show… on March 19.

Nghi thức lấy nước trong lễ rước nước
The water taking ritual of the water procession ceremony

Folk games like pot breaking, loach catching, national wrestling, and water puppetry are scheduled for March 23 and 24.

Màn trống hội đặc sắc tại buổi lễ
A special drum performance at the opening ceremony

The organizers also arrange 10 booths at the temple to display 37 OCOP products in the district, typically ramie cake, guava, honey, dried lychee, wine, etc., during the festival.

Ban tổ chức bố trí 10 gian trưng bày 37 sản phẩm OCOP của huyện Ninh Giang
The organizers arrange 10 booths at the temple to display 37 OCOP products in the district during the festival

Tranh temple was classified as a national historical and cultural relic in 2009 by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

The temple festival was included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage in 2022.

Hai Duong News

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Tranh temple new tourist destination of Hai Duong