Leverage for more investment inflows to Hai Duong

05/08/2023 06:26

Hai Duong province is actively reforming administrative procedures (AP) to contribute to improving the business and investment environment to draw the attention of enterprises and investors.

The processing time of many administrative procedures related to business and investment licensing has been shortened

There are nearly 2,000 APs under the jurisdiction of Hai Duong provincial authorities, many of which are related to investment, production, and business activities.

The provincial People’s Committee has required departments and local authorities to check and propose abolishment of unnecessary procedures, shorten processing time, intensify online AP processing, and pay attention to e-government development to synchronize information and data.

These measures are aimed at building a transparent and open investment environment, demonstrating the government’s active role in assisting enterprises with smooth investment and production.

All business and investment procedures eligible for online public services at levels 3 and 4 have so far been electronically carried out, thereby enabling enterprises to easily look up and overcoming bureaucracy and corruption in AP handling.

The processing time of many procedures was shortened to accelerate businesses’ investment and production.

It now takes a maximum of two workdays instead of three to register business.

Enterprises will feel secure about production and business when administrative procedures are simplified. In the photo: Production at Viet Trung International JSC. in Binh Giang district

The time to grant an investment registration certificate to a project under the authority of the Department of Planning and Investment fell from 15 to seven workdays.

Environmental impact assessment procedures are appraised within 20 days, 10 days earlier than prescribed…

Hai Duong’s efforts were acknowledged with the 4th position nationwide for AP reform in 2022, up 57 places compared to 2021.

Most recently, the provincial People’s Committee on July 19 directed departments and local authorities to strengthen responsibility, improve the efficiency of AP reform, and remove difficulties and obstacles for civilians and businesses.

The bodies were required to review and state APs under their competence that should be immediately abolished for hindering production and business activities; receive and resolutely handle requests of civilians and enterprises regarding mechanisms, policies, and APs to promptly adapt to practical requirements.

Earlier, the provincial People’s Council on July 13 decided to halve the fee of online handling of public services to encourage civilians and enterprises to engage in online AP processing.

This shows the province’s determination to irreducibly and effectively manage public administration, thereby contributing to building a healthy business and investment environment as a basis for enterprises interested in investment or expansion of production and business.

Hai Duong News

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Leverage for more investment inflows to Hai Duong