Learning Uncle Ho to unitedly overcome difficulties

31/08/2020 18:25

When still alive, President Ho Chi Minh always attached special importance to solidarity within the Party and the whole people.

Hai Duong city residents support the force on duty at a pandemic checkpoint of the city

Throughout his views and thoughts, national solidarity is defined as the top goal and task of the Party. According to Uncle Ho, solidarity is an invincible force to overcome all difficulties and win victories.

Overcoming difficulties to build new-style rural areas

Reality shows that in each difficult time and situation, President Ho Chi Minh's great thought on solidarity is the guideline for the entire Party, people, and army to unanimously join forces to overcome difficulties and win new victories.

The strength of solidarity is also an important driving force for Hai Duong to surpass difficulties and challenges and make important achievements. The actual implementation of the National Target Program on New-style Rural Building is an example.

When starting to build new-style rural areas, many localities in the province had a very low starting point and limited resources.

As reminded by President Ho Chi Minh: "As long as there are the masses, everything can be done no matter how considerable or difficult it is," with the motto "The State and people work together," people are the subject of new-style rural building, and localities in the province have promoted solidarity, created consensus among the people, and mobilized human strength and resources for new-style rural building.

Since 2016, people in the province have donated more than VND1,225 billion in cash and VND327.9 billion in kind and workdays.

To date, 165 out of 178 communes in the province have met new-style rural standard, reaching nearly 92.7%. Eight localities have accomplished the task of new-style rural building.

The province is striving for all remaining communes and districts to complete new-style rural building this year, in which 15 – 20 communes will satisfy advanced new-style rural criteria and 2 – 3 others will be model new-style rural communes.

As assessed by Mai Nhat Tan, Deputy Chief of the provincial New-style Rural Coordination Office Secretariat, people have not only donated resources but also directly participated in and contributed ideas to the development of new-style rural planning and construction projects of communes.

The active participation of people from all walks of life in building cultural villages and ensuring social security and order and the ecological environment as well as their active working, increase of income, etc. is a prerequisite condition to realize and improve new-style rural criteria.

"Reality shows that in areas where Party Committees and authorities are democratic, open, and transparent and listen to people's opinions, the mobilization of resources from people is fast and highly effective," said Tan.

Uniting against Covid-19 "enemy"

This year, the province has had to face complicated and unpredictable developments of the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of SARS-CoV-2 infection cases in the new outbreak in the province is much higher than in the previous one. Hai Duong city and a number of hamlets and residential areas in localities in the province have had to be isolated or blockaded.

The spirit "Solidarity is our strength. If uniting, we can definitely overcome all difficulties, develop all advantages..." recommended by President Ho chi Minh continues to be strongly promoted.

With the motto "Each citizen is a soldier. Each house, hamlet is a fortress," people from all walks of life in the province in general and Hai Duong city is particular have stood side by side with Party Committees, authorities, the Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations from provincial to grassroots levels to jointly fight the pandemic.

Together with strictly taking anti-pandemic measures, numerous enterprises and people from all walks of life have proactively joined and supported forces on the front line against Covid-19.

There have been many good models and practical ways to assist each other and overcome difficulties together in the province like women and farmers in Quoc Tuan commune assigning people to take care of rice and crops for those medically quarantined.

In Hai Duong city and a lot of localities, members of Youth and Women's Unions have gone to each house for propaganda, mobilization, and assistance of people with the installation of Bluezone application, volunteered to work in quarantined areas and at pandemic checkpoints etc.

"Since early this year, the provincial Fatherland Front Committee has received more than VND30 billion and numerous medical supplies, anti-pandemic means, food, and essential commodities donated by agencies, organizations, enterprises, and benefactors in the province," said Vice Chairman of the provincial Fatherland Front Committee Huynh Tuan Duong.

"In addition, many organizations, enterprises, and individuals have directly given support to localities, units, and forces engaged in pandemic prevention and control.

"Material value can be counted, but spiritual value and effect contributed to pandemic prevention and control are difficult to measure."

Since a hotbed of disease broke out at 36 Ngo Quyen street, Hai Duong city, the Covid-19 situation in the province has basically been controlled.

In the coming time, solidarity will definitely be the decisive factor for the Party and people of Hai Duong province to continue overcoming all difficulties in pandemic prevention and control as well as restore and foster the development of economy and society.


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Learning Uncle Ho to unitedly overcome difficulties