
Hai Duong to adjust centralized administrative zone planning

DUNG CUONG 20/06/2024 09:34

The detailed plan for Hai Duong’s centralized administrative zone must be changed to fit changes in the arrangement of the headquarters of agencies and units there.

Quang cảnh phiên họp UBND tỉnh Hải Dương tháng 6 (lần 6) vào sáng 19/6
A scene of the 6th June meeting of the provincial People's Committee on June 19

The adjustment of a 1/500 blueprint for a centralized administrative zone was an important issue tabled at the 6th June meeting of the People's Committee of Hai Duong province on June 19.

The blueprint was approved in 2015 and locally adjusted in 2020 and 2021.

In 2023, there were changes in the arrangement of the headquarters of agencies and units in the zone, requiring corresponding changes in space, traffic, architecture, and construction scale in the planning.

As a result, the Department of Construction proposed the adjustment of the blueprint for the centralized administrative zone.

Đồng chí Giám đốc Sở Xây dựng Nguyễn Hoài Long
Director of the Department of Construction Nguyen Hoai Long speaks at the meeting

The project was renamed the provincial centralized political and administrative zone due to the addition of the workplaces of the provincial Party Committee, its bodies, and socio-political organizations.

The surveyed area covers 16.3 ha, bordering Truong Do street in the north, Ton Duc Thang street in the south, Thanh Nien street in the east, and current roads and residential areas in the west.

The provincial People's Committee agreed with the Department of Construction’s proposal.

Standing Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Luu Van Ban assigned the provincial Construction Project Management Board to make adjustments according to regulations.

He also required relevant agencies to urgently give advice on issues and work related to the zone construction.


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Hai Duong to adjust centralized administrative zone planning