​ Hai Duong strives to be one of the 20 localities with the highest PCI ranking

07/04/2021 08:29

One of the decisive solutions is to promote and bring into full play the dynamism, creativity; dare to think, dare to do, dare to bear responsibility of the heads of agencies, localities and institutions.

The provincial Department of Planning and Investment is urgently advising the provincial Steering Committee for the implementation of the economic development program to finalize the draft of a thematic resolution on strongly improving the investment and business environment, raising the provincial competitiveness in the 2021–2025 period, to submit to the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee in April 2021.

According to the draft, by 2025, Hai Duong strives to become one of the 20 provinces and cities with the highest PCI (provincial competitiveness index) ranking. For the 2021-2025 period, the number of newly established enterprises every year is expected to increase by an average of 15%/year; the rate of development investment capital/GRDP will reach an average of 35.4%.

To achieve the above targets, the draft identifies solutions such as continuing to promote dynamism, creativity, dare to think, dare to do, dare to hold responsibility of the heads of agencies, localities, institutions in leading, directing the administrative reform, the improvement of business investment environment; the supervision of the job performance of public officials and civil servants, especially those working in sensitive positions, prone to negativity. Strictly handle breaches, causing troubles and harassment to enterprises. Accelerate the implementation, create a breakthrough to be practical in administrative reform. Improve the quality and efficiency of business support services...


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​ Hai Duong strives to be one of the 20 localities with the highest PCI ranking