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Hai Duong Newspaper to launch special publication to mark National Day

BHD 28/08/2024 18:26

The Hai Duong Newspaper will launch a special publication entitled "I love my Fatherland" on the occasion of the 79th National Day (September 2, 1945 - 2024).

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The National Day, President Ho Chi Minh's recommendations, patriotic examples, actions for the people, joint construction of a renewed and developed Vietnam, and a rich and civilized Hai Duong province will form a flow from the first to the last page of the Hai Duong Newspaper’s special publication entitled "I love my Fatherland".

On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s Testament, the newspaper will publish the full text of the testament and a number of articles about Hai Duong’s imitation of Uncle Ho's words.

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We cannot fail to mention President Ho Chi Minh's “excellent student who constantly learnt and followed his ideology, morality, and style” - late Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with a special article in commemoration of the respected Party General Secretary, who had a very simple personality.

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Many different ways of patriotism will also be expressed throughout this special publication. Those are the love for the beloved Truong Sa archipelago at the headland of Vietnam, the pride of children with disabilities when singing the National Anthem by hand, the diligence in needlework to bring the Fatherland flag to all parts of the country...

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Bright colors in the economic picture of Hai Duong are indispensable in the publication, affirming the value of independence and freedom that has brought about the homeland's innovation and development today from the perspective of patriots.

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Literary works in this special publication are also passionate and earnest in the love for the Fatherland, the sea and islands, for family, school, etc.

The 24-page publication will be released on August 29.


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Hai Duong Newspaper to launch special publication to mark National Day