
Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

VNE 28/10/2023 10:24

A boat ride through the Tra Su cajuput forest, covered with green waterferns near the Vietnam-Cambodia border, is a special feast for the senses at this time of the year.

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

Just 10 kilometers from the Vietnam-Cambodia border, Tra Su forest in Tinh Bien district, An Giang province is at its best time between September and November, known as the flooding season in the Mekong Delta, a natural phenomenon that occurs each year on the downstream Mekong River.

A trip in Tra Su typically starts with a composite motorboat that departs from a pier in the forest and goes through the cajuput forest for visitors to admire the lush greenery including lotus and water lilies.

Then visitors are transferred to a small wooden rowboat that makes its way through green duckweed deeper into the forest for around 30 minutes.

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

A group of French tourists wait to get on their boats

After enjoying a 10-minute motorboat tour, they will be transferred to a small dock to continue their tour on small boats called sampan where female rowers take them throughout the ecological forest filled with lotuses, water lilies and water hyacinths.

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

Anna, a French tourist, said this was her first time to experience the tour in Tra Su cajuput forest.

"After visiting Cambodia, we get on a bus through the border to explore Tra Su cajuput forest and it's really so beautiful."

"My tour guide told us this place is one of the most beautiful forests in Vietnam. It's true!"

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

Hung, the tour guide leading the group of French tourists to Tra Su forest, said most of his guests are retirees and they love to explore the natural landscapes of Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam.

In addition to Tra Su, they also visit some other tourist attractions in An Giang such as Chau Doc market and Cam mountain, home to Buddhist spiritual sites.

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

During the flooding season, green water ferns cover the surface's water

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

The forest is home to about 140 plant species, but the dominant growth is of cajeput trees. The most suitable time of the year to visit the forest is during the lotus season, from June to September, and the flooding season, from September to November

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

Nhung, a local rower wearing ao ba ba (traditional southern Vietnamese garment) and conical hat non la, said Tra Su forest was only crowded during weekends when she could make up to VND300,000 (US$12.29) a day.

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

Joanne (L) uses her smartphone to capture the beauty of Tra Su cajuput forest

Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season

A Tra Su forest tour costs VND200,000 ($8) per visitor. The fare includes entry tickets and fees for paddleboats and motorboats.


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Foreign tourists flock to Mekong cajuput forest during flood season