[Photos] Dong Giao fine art woodwork stand firm in domestic market

04/07/2022 10:06

There are 1,030 households with 3,708 residents in Dong Giao hamlet, Luong Dien commune, Cam Giang district, about half of them, mostly young workers, directly engage in fine art woodcarving.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, for the past more than two years, Dong Giao fine art woodwork have encountered difficulties and been unable to be exported to other countries.

Local woodcarving facilities have changed the way of thinking, renewed forms, and captured consumers' psychology to satisfy the domestic market.

Vu Huu Vinh's fine art woodcarving facility attaches special importance to changing the design of products to suit customers' tastes

Skilled people in the village like Vu Van Bang (86 years old) transmit the profession to young people for maintenance and sustainable development

Young carpenters can bring into play their creativity and woodcarving capability on each work

Many women in the commune also promote their skills and contribute to developing the trade village

To stand firm in the domestic market, Oanh Diep woodcarving facility has studied culture in each region and changed designs accordingly; introduced, promoted, and sold products on social networking sites

There are abundant and diverse wooden products in Dong Giao woodcarving village

Fine art woodcarving has brought prosperity to Dong Giao village


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    [Photos] Dong Giao fine art woodwork stand firm in domestic market