Culture - Sports - Tourism

Hai Duong trains potential localities in building agricultural, rural tourism products

LE HUONG 15/08/2024 09:56

Hai Duong province aims to raise the awareness of communities engaged in tourism activities about agricultural, rural, and sustainable tourism development.

Ông Vũ Đình Tiến, Phó Giám đốc Sở Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch phát biểu khai mạc buổi tập huấn tại thị xã Kinh Môn ngày 14/8 (ảnh cơ sở cung cấp)
Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Vu Dinh Tien delivers the opening speech at the training course in Kinh Mon town on August 14

The Hai Duong Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism held training courses on building agricultural and rural tourism products for potential localities in the province from May 16 to August 14.

The courses attracted more than 400 farmers, OCOP product owners, cooperative members, heads of villages and residential areas, commune cultural officials, commune and township agricultural officials, staff members of divisions and specialized units of localities, etc.

In addition to general knowledge, trainees in each locality learnt about the process of building tourism products associated with the potential and advantages of agriculture, rural areas, and typical products of the locality, such as incense making in Quoc Tuan commune, cage fish farming in Nam Tan commune, carrot growing in Thai Tan commune, and flower growing in Phu Lien hamlet, Hong Phong commune, Nam Sach district; ramie cake and meat pie making in Tan Huong commune, water puppetry in Hong Phong commune, clay firecracker game in Trinh Xuyen commune, Ninh Giang district; orange growing in That Hung commune, onion, garlic, cassava, and cai hoa vang sticky rice growing in Duy Tan, Tan Dan, Pham Thai, An Phu, Thang Long, Hiep Hoa, and Thuong Quan communes and wards, Kinh Mon town...

Một học viên ở thị xã Kinh Môn trong phần giao lưu về kỹ năng đón tiếp du khách (ảnh cơ sở cung cấp)
A discussion on tourist reception skills

The trainees also practiced the skills of welcoming, guiding, explaining, and serving tourists; and building and connecting agricultural and rural tourism products in their locality.

The courses are aimed at raising the awareness of communities engaged in tourism activities about agricultural, rural, and sustainable tourism development.

The Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism is expected to organize another training course in Cam Giang district this September.


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Hai Duong trains potential localities in building agricultural, rural tourism products