Hai Duong pledges to create favorable conditions for Taiwanese investors

19/04/2023 16:28

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Van Quan expected that the Taiwanese electronic enterprises would care about investment in the province.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Van Quan speaks at the reception for the Taiwan enterprises

Hai Duong authorities have had many policies and measures to improve the provincial business and investment environment and create favorable conditions for businesses over the past years.

The information was provided by Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Van Quan while chairing the committee’s reception for a delegation of electronic enterprises from Taiwan, China, on April 18.

Quan informed the Taiwanese investors about the province’s orientation for investment attraction and preferential regimes for businesses.

Hai Duong aims to attract projects using high, clean, and eco-friendly technology, having large investment, capable of creating competitive products with a large export proportion, and making great contributions to the provincial budget.

The province has lured many large-scale projects with high technology content. Enterprises, including foreign investors, in the province have steadily thrived.

The province is home to 496 foreign investment projects from 26 countries and territories with a total capital of more than 9.2 billion USD, ranking 4th in the Red River Delta region and 11th in Vietnam.

The Taiwan enterprises work with the investor of the infrastructure of Cong Hoa industrial park in Chi Linh city

Taiwanese enterprises have invested in 46 projects in the province with a total registered capital of 630 million USD, coming 4th among 26 countries and territories investing in the province and drawing more than 30,000 laborers.

Notably, there are many large-scale projects with stable operation, such as Phuc Son Cement Factory (265 million USD), the limited liability companies of Makalot Garments Vietnam (30 million USD), Vietnam Chung Jye Shoes Manufacture (18 million USD), and ANT (14 million USD), and Taya (Vietnam) Electric Wire and Cable JSC. (14 million USD).

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Tran Van Quan expected that the Taiwanese electronic enterprises would care about investment in the province.

“The provincial authorities will create maximum favorable conditions for investors,” said Quan.

Earlier, the delegation surveyed the technical infrastructure, land, workshops, etc. in Cong Hoa industrial park, Chi Linh city, and An Phat 1 industrial park, Nam Sach district.


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Hai Duong pledges to create favorable conditions for Taiwanese investors