Hai Duong accompanies, supports FDI businesses

19/05/2023 15:37

Hai Duong provincial leaders are committed to further improve the business and investment environment and always stand side by side with enterprises.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang pledges that Hai Duong will always accompany and support investors

Hai Duong always accompanies and supports investors and businesses and creates the most favorable conditions for enterprises to effectively invest in production and business, said Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang.

Thang made the remark on behalf of leaders of the province at a conference between them and 400 foreign direct investment (FDI) businesses based in the locality at the Xu Dong Cultural Center on May 18.

The secretary of the provincial Party Committee emphasized his commitment to further improve the provincial business and investment environment.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang talks to representatives of some FDI enterprises on the sidelines of the conference

“The provincial authorities will quickly and decisively resolve difficulties and obstacles of enterprises within their jurisdiction, and propose timely solutions to issues falling under the authority of Central agencies,” said Thang.

He required every department, sector, and locality to continue promoting and create breakthrough and substantive changes in administrative reform, especially administrative procedures, in the fields of land, investment, construction, work permits…; ensure transparency; and enhance the business community’s access to resources.

Thang suggested that the business community intensify association and cooperation to improve competitiveness.

Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Trieu The Hung affirms that the conference is an opportunity for the provincial authorities and FDI enterprises to listen and share for mutual development

Each enterprise should proactively review and adjust its production and business strategies and plans, restructure human resources, finance, and products in line with the market demand, and increase application of scientific and technical advances, thereby improving productivity, production and business efficiency, and workers' incomes, Thang recommended.

“Businesses should fulfill their obligations to the State,” Thang added.

The conference was an opportunity for leaders of the province, departments, and sectors to grasp enterprises’ difficulties, obstacles, and suggestions in the process of production and business, according to Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Trieu The Hung.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Trieu The Hung present flowers and honorable symbols to 24 typical FDI enterprises

This was also a chance for Hai Duong to honor FDI enterprises with good business results and positive contributions to the provincial budget, job creation, assurance of social security, and improvement of the life of laborers in Hai Duong as well as surrounding areas in the past time, said Hung.

Many questions of businesses were raised and answered during more than 90 minutes of discussion, focusing on procedures to hire land for investment, human resources, examination and treatment of occupational diseases, work permits for foreigners, fire prevention and fighting, power supply, etc.

Ford Vietnam Co., Ltd. and Sumidenso Vietnam Co., Ltd. highly appreciated advantages of the provincial investment environment.

A representative of Sumidenso Vietnam Co., Ltd. highly appreciates advantages of the provincial investment environment

They suggested that Hai Duong further invest in infrastructure, traffic systems, and utilities attached to industrial parks like social housing, and reform administrative procedures more strongly, especially shortening of the time to complete such procedures as licensing of work, entrance, and exit.

The Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs pledged to direct job introduction centers to coordinate with businesses to seek labor sources, especially skilled ones, to solve manpower issues.

The department will also send a document to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs regarding the duration of work permits for foreigners.

400 FDI enterprises in the province attend the conference

Vu Cong Dan street in Hai Duong city will be enlarged within 2023, contributing to reducing traffic pressure on FDI enterprises in this area, according to the Department of Transport.

The Department of Health admitted that because relevant regulations were yet to be widely disseminated to businesses, many medical facilities and hospitals refused to examine workers.

The department will ask the provincial Industrial Parks Authority in writing shortly after the conference to notify grassroots enterprises eligible for occupational medical examination.

Participants in the conference

A number of businesses raised problems related to regulations on fire prevention and fighting and unannounced power cuts.

The provincial Police said enterprises that can prove their capability to ensure fire prevention and fighting with water mobilized from an outside unit are allowed to add the total volume of water needed for fire prevention and fighting.

Hai Duong Power Co., Ltd. will try to improve the quality of its power supply system and minimize incidents that lead to unexpected power cuts.

Some other questions of businesses will be answered in writing by appropriate authorities.

At the conference, 24 typical FDI enterprises were honored for their contributions to the provincial socio-economic development. 


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Hai Duong accompanies, supports FDI businesses