Cam Dien-Luong Dien industrial park lures four new FDI projects

23/05/2023 06:30

The investors were committed to putting the projects into operation at the end of 2023 or in the first quarter of 2024.

Cam Dien-Luong Dien industrial park has virtually been filled

The Industrial Parks Authority of Hai Duong province has granted investment registration certificates to four projects in Cam Dien-Luong Dien industrial park.

These are 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) projects of the limited liability companies of ASINK Vietnam Environmental Protection Materials, Dai Viet New Materials, CMA Vietnam Industry, and SNC Viet Nam Technology, with a total value of 7 million USD.

The projects are aimed at processing, assembling, and manufacturing illuminators and industrial lights; producing pumps, compressors, faucets, and valves; manufacturing padding and luxe cotton; and processing radiators from finished aluminum, respectively.

The secondary investors were committed to completing workshops and putting the projects into operation at the end of 2023 or in the first quarter of 2024.


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Cam Dien-Luong Dien industrial park lures four new FDI projects