
10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holiday

VNE 25/12/2023 11:30

Data from Dutch-based online travel agency showed the ancient city of Hoi An is the most booked destination during the New Year holiday next month, followed by hill town Da Lat and Ho Chi Minh city.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidayhoi="" an<="" strong>="" topped="" the="" list="" in="" this="" year’s="" ranking,="" up="" six="" places="" from="" last="" year,="" according="" to="""" which="" conducted="" an="" analysis="" of="" check-in="" dates="" between="" dec.="" 1="" and="" jan.="" 1.<="" p>="" the="" city="" will="" organize="" a="" series="" tourism="" cultural="" activities="" ring="" new="" year.<="" >a="" culinary="" festival="" take="" place="" 30="" at="" hoai="" river="" square="" with="" demonstrations="" how="" prepare="" specialty="" dishes="" hoi="" quang="" nam.<="" >flashmob="" electronic="" music="" performances="" be="" available="" 7="" p.m.="" on="" 31="" park="" along="" other="" entertainment="" activities.<="" ="" >​photo="" by="" dac="" thanh<="" span><="" <="" div>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97601">

Hoi An topped the list in this year’s ranking, up six places from last year, according to which conducted an analysis of check-in dates between December 1 and January 1.

The city will organize a series of tourism and cultural activities to ring in the New Year.

A culinary festival will take place from December 30 to January 1 at Hoai River Square with demonstrations of how to prepare specialty dishes of Hoi An and Quang Nam.

Flashmob and electronic music performances will be available at 7 pm on December 31 at Hoi An Park along with a series of other entertainment activities.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidayda="" lat,<="" strong>="" famous="" for="" its="" year-round="" cool="" climate="" and="" french="" colonial="" heritage,="" came="" second="" on="" the="" list,="" up="" two="" places="" from="" last="" year.<="" p>="" da="" lat="" new="" year's="" eve="" countdown="" gala="" will="" take="" place="" at="" lam="" vien="" central="" square="" 7="" p.m.="" dec.="" 31="" with="" a="" series="" of="" entertainment="" programs="" music="" performances.<="" >the="" number="" tourists="" to="" dong,="" home="" da="" lat,="" reached="" 7.69="" million="" in="" first="" 11="" months="" this="" year,="" an="" increase="" 17.4%="" year-on-year,="" including="" 363,000="" international="" visitors,="" 215.7%.<="" >photo="" by="" nguyen="" hieu<="" p>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97602">

Da Lat, famous for its year-round cool climate and French colonial heritage, came second on the list, up two places from last year.

Da Lat New Year's Eve Countdown Gala will take place at Lam Vien Central Square at 7 pm on December 31 with a series of entertainment programs and music performances.

The number of tourists to Lam Dong, home to Da Lat, reached 7.69 million in the first 11 months of this year, an increase of 17.4% year-on-year, including 363,000 international visitors, an increase of 215.7%.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidayho="" chi="" minh="" city<="" strong>="" rose="" one="" place="" from="" last="" year="" to="" gain="" third="" on="" the="" list.<="" p>="" the="" southern="" metropolis="" is="" always="" busy="" during="" new="" and="" lunar="" celebrations="" with="" countdown="" parties="" fireworks="" shows.<="" >for="" upcoming="" holiday,="" city="" authorities="" are="" seeking="" approval="" prime="" minister="" pham="" chinh="" set="" up="" performances="" at="" two="" locations:="" thu="" thiem="" tunnel="" along="" saigon="" river="" in="" downtown="" area="" dam="" sen="" park="" district="" 11.<="" >this="" picture="" was="" taken="" as="" people="" watch="" shows="" reunification="" day="" holiday="" (april="" 30)="" this="" year.<="" >photo="" by="" quynh="" tran<="" p>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97597">

Ho Chi Minh city rose one place from last year to gain third place on the list.

The southern metropolis is always busy during New Year and Lunar New Year celebrations with countdown parties and fireworks shows.

For the upcoming New Year holiday, city authorities are seeking approval from Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to set up fireworks performances at two locations: Thu Thiem Tunnel along the Saigon River in downtown area and Dam Sen Park in District 11.

This picture was taken at the Saigon River as people watch fireworks shows during the Reunification Day holiday (April 30) this year.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidayvietnam’s="" capital="" hanoi<="" strong>="" was="" down="" two="" places="" from="" last="" year="" to="" rank="" fourth.<="" p>="" hanoi="" authorities="" have="" announced="" downtown="" streets="" will="" be="" decorated="" for="" the="" new="" holiday.<="" >in="" previous="" years,="" hanoi="" always="" organizes="" a="" countdown="" party="" at="" dong="" kinh="" nghia="" thuc="" square="" near="" sword="" lake="" on="" year’s="" eve.<="" >photo="" by="" ha="" thanh<="" p>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97604">

Vietnam’s capital Ha Noi was down two places from last year to rank fourth.

Ha Noi authorities have announced downtown streets will be decorated for the New Year holiday.

In previous years, Ha Noi always organizes a countdown party at Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square near the downtown Sword Lake on New Year’s Eve.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidayda="" nang<="" strong>,="" famous="" for="" its="" international="" fireworks="" festival,="" fell="" by="" four="" places="" to="" fifth="" position="" in="" this="" year’s="" ranking.<="" p>="" da="" nang="" successfully="" hosted="" festival="" last="" summer,="" attracting="" nearly="" 1="" million="" visitors,="" up="" 30%="" against="" the="" 2019="" version.<="" >a="" countdown="" party="" will="" be="" held="" at="" 8="" p.m.="" on="" dec.="" 31="" a="" central="" square="" along="" tran="" hung="" dao="" street,="" with="" participation="" of="" popular="" v-pop="" singers="" such="" as="" my="" tam="" and="" noo="" phuoc="" thinh.<="" >in="" picture="" was="" performance="" han="" river="" opening="" ceremony="" the="" da="" june="" 2023.<="" span><="" >photo="" nguyen="" dong<="" p>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97599">

Da Nang, famous for its international fireworks festival, fell by four places to fifth position in this year’s ranking.

Da Nang successfully hosted its international fireworks festival last summer, attracting nearly 1 million visitors, up 30% against the 2019 version.

A countdown party will be held at 8 pm on December 31 at a central square along Tran Hung Dao Street, with the participation of popular V-pop singers such as My Tam and Noo Phuoc Thinh.

In this picture was a fireworks performance along the Han River at the opening ceremony of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival in June 2023.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidayvung="" tau<="" strong>,="" a="" popular="" beach="" city="" near="" hcmc,="" ranked="" sixth,="" up="" two="" places="" from="" last="" year.<="" p>="" around="" 110="" kilometers="" downtown="" vung="" tau="" has="" always="" been="" one="" of="" the="" hottest="" destinations="" in="" south="" during="" national="" holidays="" as="" crowds="" flood="" three-kilometer-long="" bai="" sau,="" also="" known="" thuy="" van="" beach.<="" >pictured="" is="" sau="" this="" year’s="" reunification="" day="" and="" may="" (april="" 30-may="" 1)="" holidays.<="" >vung="" was="" most="" loved="" destination="" by="" vietnamese="" tourists<="" a>,="" according="" to="" an="" october="" report="" travel="" firm="" outbox="" consulting="" based="" on="" analysis="" tourists.<="" >photo="" truong="" ha<="" p>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97600">

Vung Tau, a popular beach city near Ho Chi Minh city, ranked sixth, up two places from last year.

Around 110 kilometers from downtown Ho Chi Minh city, Vung Tau has always been one of the hottest destinations in the south during national holidays as crowds flood the three-kilometer-long Bai Sau, also known as Thuy Van beach.

Pictured is Bai Sau beach during this year’s Reunification Day and May Day (April 30-May 1) holidays.

Vung Tau was the most loved destination by Vietnamese tourists, according to an October report by travel firm Outbox Consulting based on an analysis of Vietnamese tourists.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidaythe="" southern="" island="" phu="" quoc<="" strong>,="" famous="" for="" its="" long,="" sandy="" beaches="" and="" high-end="" resorts,="" ranked="" seventh,="" down="" two="" places="" from="" last="" year.<="" p>="" once="" a="" top="" holiday="" destination="" in="" vietnam,="" the="" has="" seen="" sharp="" decrease="" visitors="" recent="" months="" as="" many="" tourists="" complained="" of="" exorbitant="" prices="" travel="" scams<="" a>,="" leaving="" bad="" reputation.<="" >phu="" quoc="" authorities="" have="" pledged="" to="" improve="" quality="" tourism="" services="" on="" prevent="" price="" gouging.<="" >u.s.="" pop-rock="" band="" >maroon="" 5<="" a>="" is="" scheduled="" perform="" dec.="" 15-16.<="" >photo="" by="" ngan="" duong<="" ="" <="" div>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97603">

The southern island Phu Quoc, famous for its long, sandy beaches and high-end resorts, ranked seventh, down two places from last year.

Once a top holiday destination in Vietnam, the island has seen a sharp decrease in visitors in recent months as many tourists complained of exorbitant prices and travel scams, leaving a bad reputation.

Phu Quoc authorities have pledged to improve the quality of tourism services on the island and prevent price gouging.

U.S. pop-rock band Maroon 5 is scheduled to perform on the island on December 15-16.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidaythe="" central="" beach="" city="" nha="" trang<="" strong>,="" known="" for="" its="" pleasant="" weather,="" long="" sunny="" with="" blue="" sea,="" came="" in="" eighth,="" falling="" by="" two="" places="" from="" last="" year.<="" p>="" nha="" trang="" will="" hold="" a="" series="" of="" music="" and="" entertainment="" programs="" on="" dec.="" 31="" to="" ring="" the="" new="" >in="" first="" 11="" months="" this="" year,="" khanh="" hoa,="" home="" nha="" trang,="" received="" 6.5="" million="" arrivals,="" up="" 171%="" year-on-year.="" which,="" international="" visitors="" were="" estimated="" at="" 1.87="" million,="" eight="" times="" year-on-year.<="" >photo="" courtesy="" vnexpress<="" p>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97598">

The central beach city Nha Trang, known for its pleasant weather, long sunny beach with blue sea, came in eighth, falling by two places from last year.

Nha Trang will hold a series of music and entertainment programs on Dec. 31 to ring in the New Year.

In the first 11 months of this year, Khanh Hoa, home to Nha Trang, received 6.5 million arrivals, up 171% year-on-year. Of which, international visitors were estimated at 1.87 million, up eight times year-on-year.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidaylocated="" at="" an="" altitude="" of="" over="" 1,500="" meters="" above="" sea="" level="" in="" vietnam’s="" northwest="" mountains,="" sa="" pa="" came="" ninth="" on="" the="" list.<="" p>="" the="" winter="" season="" lasts="" from="" december="" to="" february,="" when="" temperatures="" can="" plunge="" below="" zero,="" landscape="" takes="" a="" completely="" different="" look="" and="" there="" is="" chance="" seeing="" snow="" ice="" mountain="" peaks.<="" >during="" winter,="" town="" covered="" white="" snow,="" attracting="" those="" who="" want="" chill="" hike="" up="" mount="" fansipan="" or="" ham="" rong="" mountain.<="" >photo="" by="" nguyen="" khanh="" thi<="" ="" <="" div>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97606">

Located at an altitude of over 1,500 meters above sea level in Vietnam’s northwest mountains, Sa Pa came in ninth on the list.

The winter season in Sa Pa lasts from December to February, when temperatures can plunge below zero, the landscape takes on a completely different look and there is the chance of seeing snow and ice on mountain peaks.

During winter, the town is covered in white snow, attracting those who want a chill hike up Mount Fansipan or Ham Rong Mountain.

10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holidaythe="" beach="" resort="" city="" mui="" ne<="" strong>="" finished="" the="" top="" 10="" list.<="" p>="" with="" ideal="" wind="" conditions="" between="" october="" and="" march="" tropical="" weather="" all="" year="" round,="" mui="" ne="" is="" place="" for="" outdoor="" adventurous="" activities="" on="" such="" as="" kayaking,="" jet="" skiing="" surfing.<="" >situated="" 12="" km="" from="" phan="" thiet,="" capital="" of="" binh="" thuan="" province="" south-central="" coast,="" offers="" a="" hot="" air="" balloon="" ride="" over="" sand="" dunes.<="" >"" earlier="" also="" named="" one="" six="" cheapest="" destinations="" in="" world="" budget-friendly="" holiday.<="" ="" >photo="" by="" shutterstock<="" <="" div>"="" data-was-processed="true" data-src="" data-src-mobile="" data-file-id="97605">

The beach resort city Mui Ne finished the top 10 list.

With ideal wind conditions between October and March and tropical weather all year round, Mui Ne is the place for outdoor adventurous activities on the beach such as kayaking, jet skiing and surfing.

Situated 12 km from Phan Thiet, the capital of Binh Thuan Province on the south-central coast, the city offers a hot air balloon ride over sand dunes. earlier also named Mui Ne one of the six cheapest destinations in the world for a budget-friendly holiday.


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10 destinations to be most crowded in Vietnam this New Year holiday