Striving for Hai Duong to be one of 20 leading localities in digital transformation

23/04/2021 10:32

This is one of the objectives in the Hai Duong provincial Party Committee's resolution on digital transformation (DT) in the 2021 – 2025 period with a vision to 2030.

According to the resolution, the provincial authorities target that the province will have been one of 20 provinces and cities leading the country in DT by 2025 and one of 15 DT leaders in the country by 2030.

The resolution defines a number of basic goals until 2025: 80% of level-4 online public services will be provided on various means of access, including mobile devices, in which efforts will be made so that by the end of 2021, 100% of administrative procedures will have been eligible to be provided online at level 4; at least 95% of organizations and individuals will be satisfied with the quality of public service provision; 90% of dossiers at provincial level, 80% of dossiers at district level, and 70% of dossiers at commune level will be processed online; 100% of periodic reports and administrative documents will be sent and received electronically; 100% of departments, boards, branches, and district and commune People's Committees will periodically report on socio-economic development targets via the provincial report software system, which is connected to the Government's report information system; etc.

The resolution also sets the target that by 2025, the provincial digital economy will have accounted for 20% of the gross regional domestic product. The proportion of digital economy in each sector and field will reach at least 10%. The annual labor productivity will increase by 8% or more. There will be more than 700 digital technology enterprises. Hai Duong city, Chi Linh city, and Kinh Mon provincial town will basically turn into smart urban areas.

To achieve the above goals, the resolution puts forward eight groups of measures and tasks to be implemented, including strengthening the leadership of Party committees and authorities and promoting the role of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in DT, building mechanisms and policies to foster DT and developing human resources to serve DT, mobilizing investment in developing technical infrastructure to meet DT requirements of localities, building a digital government, developing digital economy, etc.

This is one of two thematic resolutions in the Action Program to realize the Resolution of the 17th provincial Party Congress.


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Striving for Hai Duong to be one of 20 leading localities in digital transformation