
Springtime tour of northern Vietnam's blossom-adorned landscapes

TB (according to VNE) 04/02/2024 17:41

In the northern provinces of Son La, Yen Bai, and Ha Giang, the mountains come alive with the blooming of the Himalayan cherry and plum blossoms that mark the arrival of spring.

Yen Bai Province, approximately 163 kilometers from Ha Noi, is currently adorned with the blossoms of to day flowers (Himalayan cherry blossoms). The flowers blanket the landscape amidst terrace fields, hillsides, and the country roads of Mu Cang Chai district.

The best time to witness the beauty of these flowers is from late December to early February, coinciding with the cold days of their bloom. To day flowers hold a special significance within the Hmong community, symbolizing the start of a new and lucky season.

Himalayan cherry blossoms, also called sour cherries, only grow in areas higher than 1,000 meters above sea level. Their beauty intensifies in colder weather.

Son La province, 301 kilometers from Ha Noi, encompasses Muong La district, where tao meo (docynia indica) trees thrive. In the late days of February and early March, the tao meo tree flowers, also referred to as son tra flowers, come to life in a burst of vibrant blooms.

Muong La is situated along the route to Ta Chi Nhu Peak, Vietnam's 7th highest peak, where a substantial Hmong population resides. The area lures tourists with its pleasant climate.

The son tra flower reveals 5 petals and a yellow pistil in full bloom, boasting a milky white color that sets it apart from its pure white counterparts like plum or apricot blossoms.

Moc Chau district, also in Son La, stands out as a favored destination in the north for the Lunar New Year, celebrated for its blooming landscapes. Moc Chau is known for its white plum and apricot flowers, which bloom multiple times throughout the spring. As a result, visitors arriving in Moc Chau at the start of the year have many opportunities to witness the flowers in full bloom.

The white plum blossoms bloom simultaneously along branches and twigs, with each flowering season lasting 2-3 weeks. Notable locations with plum blossoms in Moc Chau include Phieng Canh village, Van Ho commune, Tan Lap commune, Na Ka Valley, the road to Pha Luong Peak, and Ang village.

Situated around 292 kilometers from Ha Noi, Ha Giang province reaches its peak in peach blossom blooms during February. Alongside these peach blossoms, various tourist spots in Ha Giang showcase fields adorned with white and yellow mustard flowers during this period.

Van Tam, a tour guide in Ha Giang, notes that while the blooming times of peach blossoms may vary yearly, February consistently stands out as the most beautiful period.

Peach blossoms in Ha Giang display five petals, distinguishing them from the Himalayan cherry blossoms in Yen Bai province. Their small petals and parts, along with a light pink color, add to a simple but delicate beauty. These flowers adorn many popular spots in Ha Giang province, lining roads and decorating the fences of local homes.

TB (according to VNE)

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Springtime tour of northern Vietnam's blossom-adorned landscapes