Speeding up clearance of Kim Thanh industrial park

14/12/2022 16:21

Investment in Kim Thanh industrial park (IP) on a total area of nearly 165 ha was approved by the Prime Minister in March 2021. COMA18 JSC. is the investor of its infrastructure.

The Kim Thanh district Compensation, Support, and Resettlement Council coordinates with Tuan Viet commune to make an inventory of assets on land

The IP is oriented to lure businesses in the fields of information technology, mechanical engineering, precision mechanics, production of household goods, electrical and electronic equipment, etc. with high technological content and clean technology.

Shortly after the investment approval, Kim Thanh district authorities quickly directed specialized agencies to coordinate with the IP infrastructure investor to accelerate the project implementation. However, the district encountered a lot of difficulties and obstacles in site clearance.

“To realize the project, Kim Thanh district has to recover nearly 165 ha of land from close to 2,000 households in the communes of Tuan Viet, Co Dung, and Thuong Vu. Yet, only 516 households have so far signed minutes of inventorying land area and assets on land,” said Pham Hong Thanh, Director of the district Construction and Investment Project Management Board.

“Regarding the remaining households, specialized agencies of the district are coordinating with the localities to define the origin of land to conduct an inventory, support, and compensation for site clearance.”

1,947 households in Thuong Vu, Co Dung, and Tuan Viet communes are subject to land recovery to implement the Kim Thanh industrial park project

Recently, leaders of Kim Thanh district has required specialized agencies to completely resolve difficulties and obstacles to speed up the clearance of Kim Thanh IP and hold a dialogue on the implementation of regulations and policies related to site clearance for the households whose land will be recovered to clearly understand.

In the process of land recovery, transparency and publicity must be ensured, and steps should be flexibly employed to shorten clearance time.

As for households deliberately refusing to comply with the land recovery decision, the district authorities will organize coercive inventory and recovery of land in accordance with legal provisions.

“The project to build and trade in the infrastructure of Kim Thanh IP is particularly important to the locality in socio-economic development. The district authorities are focusing on removing difficulties and obstacles in land recovery to soon hand over a clean ground to the investor to carry out the project,” said Nguyen Huu Hung, Vice Chairman of the district People’s Committee.


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Speeding up clearance of Kim Thanh industrial park