Hai Duong Weather Forecast

Hai Duong to be sunny and dry in 10 days

BINH MINH 11/11/2024 10:17

Hai Duong province is forecast to experience sunny and dry weather for the next 10 days.

Trời nắng hanh gây ra cảm giác bức bối, khó chịu
Dry and sunny weather may cause discomfort for people in the province in the coming days

Hai Duong province is likely to be affected by weak continental high pressure from the night of November 10 – 20, making it rainless, sunny, and dry, according to the provincial Hydrometeorological Station.

However, it will be cold at night and in the morning, with temperature during the days fluctuating between 20 and 31 degrees Celsius, forecast the station.

Rain, even showers, is predicted to sporadically occur around November 19 – 20.