Cooperation - Investment

Extended Phuc Dien industrial park – Hai Duong’s bright spot in investment attraction

DO QUYET 02/07/2024 15:26

The extended Phuc Dien industrial park quickly became a destination for many investors thanks to its modern infrastructure and favorable geographical location.

Khu công nghiệp Phúc Điền mở rộng đang triển khai xây dựng hạ tầng giai đoạn 1 trên diện tích hơn 160 ha
Phase 1 infrastructure of the extended Phuc Dien industrial park is being built on 160 ha of land

Synchronous infrastructure

The extended Phuc Dien industrial park (IP) covers an area of 246.5 ha in Binh Giang district, Hai Duong province with a total investment of nearly 2,000 billion VND.

The IP has a favorable geographical location as it is located next to provincial road 395 and directly connected to national highway 5, facilitating traffic and trade.

Binh Giang district has so far cleared 245 ha of the IP, reaching 99% of the total area, more than 160 ha of which were handed over to Trung Quy Bac Ninh Investment JSC., the investor of the IP, to construct phase 1 technical infrastructure to attract investment.

ảnh báo in: Đến nay, khu công nghiệp Phúc Điền mở rộng đã thu hút trên 10 dự án thứ cấp, nhiều nhất trong 5 khu công nghiệp đang triển khai xây dựng hạ tầng kỹ thuật trên địa bàn tỉnh. Trong ảnh: Hệ thống đường giao thông nội khu đã hoàn thành khoảng 40% khối lượng công việc
The extended Phuc Dien industrial park has attracted more than 10 secondary projects, the most among five industrial parks under construction in the province. In the photo: 40% of roads in the industrial park have been constructed

Trung Quy Bac Ninh Investment JSC. is building water supply and drainage, communication, and electricity systems. The centralized wastewater treatment station of the IP will have a capacity of 4,000 m3/day and night in phase 1 and up to 8,000 m3/day and night after secondary projects come into operation.

Large projects

Although infrastructure construction has just begun, the expanded Phuc Dien IP has attracted many businesses with large investments.

Recently, Phuc Dien Expansion Industrial Development Co., Ltd. has invested two projects on 18 ha of land in the IP with a total investment of over 1,300 billion VND.

Upon operation, the projects will create stable jobs for hundreds of local workers and bring about an estimated revenue of 1,600 billion VND/year.

To date, the extended Phuc Dien IP has drawn more than 10 secondary projects, the most among five IPs under construction in the province.

Bà Đinh Thị Loan, Chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị, Tổng Giám đốc Công ty CP Đầu tư Trung Quý Bắc Ninh trao giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư cho nhà đầu tư thứ cấp
General Director of Trung Quy Bac Ninh Investment JSC. Dinh Thi Loan hands over investment registration certificates to secondary investors

Total investment inflow into the IP approximates to 200 million USD, with an occupancy rate of nearly 70%. There are many large investors from Singapore, China… with tens of millions of USD in investment.

“The extended Phuc Dien IP is oriented to become a multi-industry one, focusing on attracting projects with high technology content associated with environmental protection,” said Pham Quang Tham, director of the extended Phuc Dien IP project.

“Over the past time, we have not only accelerated the construction of technical infrastructure but also actively assisted investors in completing related legal procedures.

“Most enterprises in the IP have been granted investment registration certificates and are ready to build factories.”

The extended Phuc Dien IP is a typical one in Hai Duong in attracting investment over the past time, the provincial IPs Authority assessed. Although its technical infrastructure is still being built, the IP has received the attention of many large corporations such as BWID and Vinh Han.

“We will continue to shorten the time to carry out administrative procedures to improve the investment environment and solve all difficulties and problems of businesses in the course of investment and project implementation,” said a representative of the authority.