
Tu Ky district accelerates construction of key traffic projects

NGUYEN THAO 06/06/2024 09:20

Hai Duong province’s Tu Ky district is taking synchronous measures to ensure the construction progress of key traffic projects in the locality.

ảnh trang 1: Lãnh đạo UBND huyện Tứ Kỳ kiểm tra công tác giải phóng mặt bằng, thi công tại một dự án giao thông trong huyện
Leaders of the People's Committee of Tu Ky district inspect site clearance and construction at a traffic project in the district

Tu Ky district has been carrying out six key traffic projects since 2020, said Nguyen Thanh Chung, Head of the district Economic and Infrastructure Department.

All of the projects were completed or are on schedule thanks to the district’s priority and utilization of all resources for them, according to Chung.

These days, a busy working atmosphere can be sensed from the construction site of a bypass for provincial road 391’s section through Tu Ky town and Van To commune.

The route, more than 2.1 km long, has an investment of nearly 166 billion VND. Construction volume has so far exceeded 50%, and the project is expected to be completed in January 2025.

The bypass construction aims to solve the overload situation and ensure traffic safety as well as expanding the urban development space of Tu Ky town.

The district People’s Committee decided to set up a Compensation, Support, and Resettlement Council in April 2023 when the State recovered land for the project implementation.

All information about the project, compensation and support plans were made public and transparent. Questions of households subject to recovery were thoroughly and reasonably resolved.

Ảnh trang trong: Dự án xây đường tránh đường tỉnh 391 qua địa bàn thị trấn Tứ Kỳ và xã Văn Tố khối lượng thi công đạt hơn 50%, dự kiến hoàn thành tháng 1/2025
More than 50% of a project to build a bypass for provincial road 391’s section through Tu Ky town and Van To commune is completed. The project is expected to finish in January 2025

There also are five traffic projects of the province under construction in Tu Ky along with its own projects.

From a locality with an underdeveloped traffic network, Tu Ky district now has a diverse and synchronous traffic system.

Traffic projects in the district are of important significance as they enhance regional connectivity, gradually complete the local traffic network in accordance with the approved district construction plan, and reduce load on roads with high traffic density, contributing to limiting traffic accidents and shortening transport journeys.

“The developed traffic network has made the district's economy increasingly prosperous,” said Vice Chairman of the district People's Committee Dao Van Soai.

The implementation of new traffic projects will help exploit agricultural land on both sides of the routes and motivate socio-economic development for Tu Ky district in particular and Hai Duong province in general, Soai added.