
Party leader’s demand for putting Fatherland above all receives public support

TB (according to VNA) 22/03/2024 07:29

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong delivered the important address at the recent first meeting of the sub-committee on personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress.

Party leader’s demand for putting Fatherland above all receives public support hinh anh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

The request for putting interests of the nation, the Party, and the people first and above all in Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s speech on some issues needing special attention in the personnel preparation for the 14th National Party Congress has attracted widespread support from officials, Party members, and people of all social strata.

The leader delivered the important address at the recent first meeting of the sub-committee on personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress.

In his remarks, he stated that personnel affairs of the congress are extremely important but also extremely complicated, difficult, and heavy, requiring the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the entire political system work with a very high sense of responsibility, great determination and efforts, and in a truly impartial, objective, and scientific manner that puts interests of the nation, the Party, and the people first and above all.

Commenting on this issue, Dr. Nguyen Viet Chuc, former Vice Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents, and Children, said that throughout his life and revolutionary career, President Ho Chi Minh always put interests of the nation and people first and above all. This viewpoint formed the supreme principle for the leadership of the revolution and was also one of the factors of the Vietnamese revolution’s success.

Vietnam is said to have never secured such a great stature like it has nowadays. In the new context, cadres need to show even stronger mettle and wholeheartedly bring into play their capacity to serve the Fatherland and the people. They have to put the interests of the people, collectives, and the nation above their own, Chuc opined.

He shared General Secretary Trong’s analysis of the shortcomings and weaknesses of some cadres as well as problems of the personnel work.

At the time the country is standing major opportunities and also facing considerable challenges, if the problems lingering for many years and many tenures fail to be resolved, it will be very difficult for the dream of a powerful and prosperous country to come true, he added.

Voicing support for the Party chief’s demand for putting interests of the nation, the Party, and the people first and above all, Col. Nguyen Van Nien, former Director of the Army Corps 12 pharmaceutical company, recalled that in the 1960s, there was a slogan posted everywhere – “The Fatherland above all”, which means cadres and Party members must place the Fatherland and the Party, not their personal interests, above all.

However, he also perceived that it is easier said than done, pointing out the need to uphold impartiality and carefully listen to public opinions.

President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam managed to attract the most prominent persons to the system and the entire people to the great revolutionary cause thanks to the Party’s ultimate goal of working for the sake of the people. It is a fact proved since the country’s founding that once unanimity is secured, even a small nation can become great, as seen in the successes of the resistance wars against the French colonialists and the US imperialists, Nien went on.

To be successful on the path chosen by President Ho Chi Minh, the Party, and the people, he said, the personnel affairs for the coming time are of critical importance. Only when a contingent of good cadres is available can better policies be issued, strategic-level issues resolved, as well as complicated situations related to national construction, development, and safeguarding and the regime’s existence handled in a timely, righteous, and effective manner.

TB (according to VNA)

TB (according to VNA)