Hai Duong provincial portal gets face-lift

News - PublishedTime : 12:27, 09/06/2023

The provincial portal offers civilians and businesses official information of online public services and documents issued by the provincial People's Committee...

Hai Duong leaders press the button to launch the new interface of the provincial portal

Hai Duong provincial portal’s new interface offers faster, more transparent, and more effective communication between governmental agencies and civilians and businesses with two-way interaction, said Chairman of the provincial People's Committee (PPC) Trieu The Hung.

Hung made the remark at the launching ceremony of the provincial portal’s new interface held by the PPC on June 8.

He confirmed that the portal is a reliable address that provides official news for domestic and international readers.

It also offers civilians and businesses information of online public services and documents issued by the PPC, and promptly reflects the direction and administration of the PPC and activities of PPC leaders, said Hung.

The PPC chairman believed that this is an important milestone as the new interface will narrow the spatial and temporal gap in communication.

“The portal will provide civilians, businesses, and investors with accurate information for supervision, participation, suggestion, as well as further investment in Hai Duong,” said Hung.

The provincial portal’s new interface has four main columns

The PPC chairman suggested that departments, sectors, organizations, and People’s Committees at city, provincial town, and district levels uphold the sense of responsibility, pay more attention to sub-portals under their management, and closely coordinate with the Editorial Board of the provincial portal to bring into full play its connection role.

The Editorial Board of the provincial portal should proactively coordinate with relevant agencies and units to fully integrate the provincial Database to contribute to popularizing the image, potential, and strengths of Hai Duong to civilians, businesses, and investors at home and abroad.

The provincial portal was created and put into use in 2010.

The launching of the new interface aims for a comprehensive face-lifting of the portal.

It was basically upgraded and given a trial run at http://congtt.haiduong.gov.vn on May 19.

The new interface has so far been fundamentally completed with four columns and main pages.