140 ha of expanded Dai An industrial park cleared

Business - PublishedTime : 15:12, 01/06/2023

Cam Giang district authorities are trying to finish site clearance within the 4th quarter of 2023.

About 140 ha of land in phase 2 of the expanded Dai An industrial park (IP) project had been cleared by May 31, completing more than 60% of the total area to be recovered, according to the Division of Natural Resources and Environment of Cam Giang district.

The provincial People's Committee has changed the use purpose of 96.58 ha and handed over the land to the investor, Dai An IP Infrastructure Development Co., Ltd., for project implementation.

The remaining nearly 50 ha are being reviewed by Cam Giang district to request the provincial authorities to change their use purpose.

The local authorities are inventorying more than 80 ha yet to be cleared and making a compensation and support plan.

However, a number of families having agricultural land in Cam Doai commune have not agreed to the current compensation unit price, leading to many difficulties in site clearance.

The district authorities are trying to finish site clearance within the 4th quarter of 2023.

Phase 2 of the expanded Dai An IP project covers a total area of 227 ha in Cam Giang district, including 187 ha in Cam Doai commune and 40 ha in Cam Dong commune.