Only five Hai Duong-based industrial parks have vacancies

Business - PublishedTime : 14:10, 24/05/2023

12 industrial parks in Hai Duong province have so far attracted 323 secondary investment projects, with 80% of handed-over industrial land occupied.

There remain 40 ha of land in An Phat 1 industrial park available for investment

Five out of 12 active industrial parks (IP) in Hai Duong province had 153.45 ha vacancies by May 23, according to the provincial IPs Authority.

These IPs are Dai An, expanded Dai An (phase 1), Cong Hoa, Lai Cach, and An Phat 1.

Cong Hoa and Lai Cach IPs have the most leasable area, 62.4 ha and 40.25 ha, respectively.

In addition, three industrial real estate enterprises in An Phat high-tech and Cam Dien - Luong Dien IPs have finished building infrastructure on 30.4 ha of land, ready for investment.

These units are focusing on attracting high-tech and environment-friendly industries light on labor, such as electricity, electronics, mechanics, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, etc.

The 12 IPs have so far attracted 323 secondary investment projects, with 80% of handed-over industrial land occupied.