Cam Giang builds brands for agricultural products

Business - PublishedTime : 16:08, 08/05/2023

Cam Giang district defines that participating in the "One Commune One Product" (OCOP) program will contribute to promoting sustainable development of rural economy and winging agricultural products.

Sticking traceability stamps on boxes of carrots to be exported to the Republic of Korea

Cam Giang district has carried out a project to build brands for and promote the trading of agricultural products to realize the resolution of the district Party Congress for the 2020 – 2025 tenure.

The district focuses on developing OCOP products, creating traceability codes to confirm the quality of agricultural products, promoting cooperation and association in production and consumption of staple and advantageous agricultural products, participating in fairs to popularize and introduce agricultural products of the district, etc.

The district has synchronously implemented an OCOP program to make breakthroughs in rural economy in the direction of endogenous development and increase of the value of local agricultural products, according to Chairman of the district People's Committee Tran Van Quyet.

“As a result, production value and people’s incomes will be improved. There will also be a solid foundation for the fulfillment of the new-style rural building program,” said Quyet.

3-star OCOP Cam Dong chicken eggs are always priced at 1,950 - 2,000 VND/ egg though the wholesale price of chicken eggs on the market has dropped to 1,800 - 1,900 VND/egg since early April.

Cam Dong chicken eggs have been fully underwritten since achieving a 3-star OCOP certificate with traceability from breeding to production, according to owner Dao Huu Thuan.

This kind of chicken egg got high points for a lot of criteria in its initial OCOP profile, such as production links, revenue growth, and local employment.

The product has so far met many other criteria, including type of production and business, code, barcode, traceability stamp on packaging, label, etc.

Thuan’s farms successfully tested JA Biotic microbial product of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture to protect the environment in chicken raising at the end of the first quarter of 2023.

The product was then popularized among members of Cam Dong Commercial Service and Business Cooperative to switch the “Cam Dong chicken eggs” subject from individual to collective.

A 4-star OCOP certificate is one of favorable conditions for fresh Duc Chinh carrots to expand consumption markets, especially abroad.

Last winter-spring carrot crop in Duc Chinh successfully ended thanks to the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s reopening of its door to Vietnamese carrots.

“More than 20 RoK businesses directly importing Duc Chinh carrots all ordered products from our cooperative,” said Nguyen Duc Thuat, Director of Duc Chinh Agricultural Service Cooperative.

Duc Chinh farmers harvested some 60,000 tons of carrots from 1,460 ha of fields in the commune and hired ones in other localities, bringing about more than 270 billion VND in revenue.

Approximately 80% of carrots were exported this year, up 10% over the previous crop, mainly to the RoK, Japan, and some Southeast Asian countries.

The rest were domestically consumed.

Chicken P.T Co., Ltd. in Cam Phuc commune successfully had five 3-star OCOP products in 2022 after six years of operation, namely P.T free-range chicken, P.T duck, P.T white chicken, P.T chicken feet, and P.T chicken wings.

The enterprise has applied for upgrading of its P.T free-range chicken to the 4-star level this year.

“This is a journey of brand building for our company’s products to directly reach customers,” said director Vu Dinh Phong.

There were 19 products of nine entities in Cam Giang district granted 3- and 4-star OCOP certificates from 2019 to 2022.

This year, Tan Huong Agricultural Product and Food Processing JSC., Hoang Van Tung, Hung Dung Co., Ltd., and Ngoc Lien Agricultural Service Cooperative in the district have registered to achieve OCOP certificates for dried scallions, carrots, and coriander powder, Thanh Tung caterpillar fungi, DiLong wine, and Ngoc Lien watermelons.