38,000 visitors flock to Hai Duong during holidays

Culture - Sports - Tourism - PublishedTime : 10:06, 04/05/2023

Major tourist attractions in Hai Duong province welcomed about 38,000 visitors from April 29 to May 3.

About 20,000 tourists visit Con Son - Kiep Bac relic site from April 29 to May 3

Major tourist attractions in Hai Duong province welcomed about 38,000 visitors during Hung Kings Commemoration Day, National Reunification Day, and May Day holidays from April 29 to May 3.

The figure surged by 20 – 50% compared to last year’s holidays thanks to favorable weather.

Con Son – Kiep Bac relic site in Chi Linh city served the most tourists (around 20,000).

It was followed by Dao Co (Stork Island) in Thanh Mien district with approximately 7,000 arrivals and Tranh temple in Ninh Giang district with more than 5,000 visitors.

Dao Co in Thanh Mien district welcomes about 7,000 visitors

Other relics in Chi Linh, such as the temple of teacher Chu Van An, Sinh, Hoa, and Cao An Lac temples welcomed over 4,300 tourists.

Besides, nearly 2,000 people flocked to key relics in Kinh Mon provincial town and Cam Giang district.

Security and order were ensured with no incidents arising during the five-day holidays, according to the management boards of the above-mentioned relics.

Hai Duong News