Urgently putting provincial trilingual portal of foreign information into operation

News - PublishedTime : 13:53, 01/07/2020

The Hai Duong provincial Steering Board for Foreign Information Service on June 30 morning held a meeting to implement tasks for the second half of the year.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Phuc, Member of the Standing Board, Head of the Education and Popularization Board of the provincial Party Committee, Head of the provincial Steering Board for Foreign Information Service, concludes the meeting

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Quang Phuc, Member of the Standing Board, Head of the Education and Popularization Board of the provincial Party Committee, Head of the provincial Steering Board for Foreign Information Service, acknowledged efforts of the members and assistant team of the steering board over the past time.

He directed the members

- to base themselves on their functions and duties to continue proactively and closely coordinating, diversifying forms, improving the quality of contents, and effectively innovating the propaganda of important political, domestic, and foreign events of the country and the province;

- to focus on well propagandizing Party Congresses at all levels and the 17th provincial Party Congress towards the 13th National Party Congress;

- to actively participate in investment, trade, tourism, and construction promotion events and disseminate images and brand names of the land and people of Hai Duong to people and enterprises in and outside the country to lure and receive post-Covid-19 investment flows;

- to intensify information security in cyberspace, improve the quality of forecasting and the effectiveness of the fight against false information and misrepresentation of hostile forces and opportunists;

- to urgently complete preparations and put the provincial portal of foreign information with three languages of Vietnamese, English, and Chinese into operation;

- to apply information technology, innovate ways, and enhance the efficiency of the provincial foreign information service; etc.

As assessed by the steering board, in the first half of the year, the foreign information service positively contributed to improving the investment and business environment, expanding friendly exchanges, and strengthening socio-economic and cultural cooperation.

Information and propaganda were proactively, actively, substantially, and effectively done.

Foreign economic, trade, investment, and cultural promotion activities were frequently carried out with high efficiency.
